exalpha (3) - Linux Manuals
exalpha: Creating and using 32 bit RGBA sprites. Allegro game programming library.
exalpha - Creating and using 32 bit RGBA sprites. Allegro game programming library.SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h>
This program demonstrates how to use the 32 bit RGBA translucency functions to store an alpha channel along with a bitmap graphic. Two images are loaded from disk. One will be used for the background and the other as a sprite. The example generates an alpha channel for the sprite image, composing the 32 bit RGBA bitmap during runtime, and draws it at the position of the mouse cursor.SEE ALSO
BITMAP(3), END_OF_MAIN(3), SCREEN_H(3), SCREEN_W(3), allegro_error(3), allegro_init(3), allegro_message(3), blit(3), clear_keybuf(3), create_bitmap(3), destroy_bitmap(3), draw_trans_sprite(3), drawing_mode(3), font(3), getb(3), getg(3), getpixel(3), getr(3), install_keyboard(3), install_mouse(3), install_timer(3), keypressed(3), load_bitmap(3), makecol(3), mouse_x(3), mouse_y(3), putpixel(3), rectfill(3), replace_filename(3), screen(3), set_alpha_blender(3), set_color_conversion(3), set_color_depth(3), set_gfx_mode(3), set_multiply_blender(3), set_write_alpha_blender(3), solid_mode(3), stretch_blit(3), textprintf_ex(3)