XvQueryAdaptors (3) - Linux Manuals
XvQueryAdaptors: return adaptor information for a screen
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XvQueryAdaptors - return adaptor information for a screen
#include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h>
int XvQueryAdaptors(Display *dpy, Window window,
unsigned int *p_num_adaptors,
XvAdaptorInfo **pp_adaptor_info);
- dpy
Specifies the connection to the X server.
- window
Specifies a window of the screen for which the adaptor
information is desired.
- p_num_adaptors
A pointer to where the number of adaptors for the specified screen
is returned.
- pp_adaptor_info
A pointer to where the list of returned adaptor information is
returns an video adaptor information for
the screen of the specified drawable. The XvAdaptorInfo structure
has the following organization:
typedef struct {
XvPortID base_id;
unsigned long num_ports;
char type;
char *name;
unsigned long num_formats;
XvFormat *formats;
unsigned long num_adaptors;
} XvAdaptorInfo;
- base_id
The resource ID of the first adaptor port.
- num_ports
The number of ports supported by the adaptor.
- type
A bit mask with the value XvInputMask asserted if the adaptor supports video
input, and value XvOutputMask asserted if the adaptor supports video output.
In Xv protocol 2.2 and later, there are 3 new bits defined - XvVideoMask,
XvStillMask and XvImageMask indicating that the adaptor is capable
of video, still or image primitives respectively.
- name
A vendor specific name that identifies the adaptor.
- num_formats
The number of depth/visual id formats supported by the adaptor.
- formats
A pointer to an array of XvFormat structures.
The XvFormat structure has the following organization:
typedef struct {
char depth;
unsigned long visual_id;
} XvFormat;
- depth
A drawable depth supported by the adaptor.
- visual_id
A visual-id supported for the given depth by the adaptor.
- [Success]
Returned if
completed successfully.
- [XvBadExtension]
Returned if the Xv extension is unavailable.
- [XvBadAlloc]
Returned if
failed to allocate memory to process the request.
- [Drawable]
Returned if the requested drawable does not exist.
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