XmColumn (3) - Linux Manuals
XmColumn: The XmColumn widget class
XmColumn --- The XmColumn widget classSYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Column.h>
XmColumn displays its children stacked in a column, each with an optional associated label: labels appear in one column, and children in another. This is useful for displaying, for example, labeled data-entry fields. It can also display all label-child pairs in a horizontal orientation.This widget offers several constraint resources that allow specification of characteristics of the label, such as displaying text or a pixmap, alignment of text, font to use, and so forth. It also offers several resources for setting defaults for children that specify no specic values.
XmColumn inherits behavior and resources from Core, Composite, Constraint, XmManager, and XmBulletinBoard.
The class pointer is xmColumnWidgetClass.
New Resources
The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource values for the
inherited classes to set attributes for this widget. To reference a resource
by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, remove the XmN or
XmC prefix and use the remaining letters
The visual appearance of columns is affected by setting constraint resources on the children of
the XmColumn.
These resources are derived from those supported by XmLabel; see the manual page for XmLabel
for valid values and usage.
XmVaCreateColumn(3), and
XmColumn Resource Set Name Class Type Default Access XmNdefaultEntryLabelAlignment XmCAlignment unsigned char XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING CSG XmNdefaultEntryLabelFontList XmCFontList XmRFontList dynamic CGS XmNdefaultEntryLabelRenderTable XmCRendertable XmRFontList dynamic CGS XmNdefaultFillStyle XmCFillStyle unsigned char XmFILL_RAGGED CGS XmNdistribution XmCDistribution unsigned char XmDISTRIBUTE_TIGHT CGS XmNitemSpacing XmCItemSpacing Dimension 2 CSG XmNlabelSpacing XmCLabelSpacing Dimentsion 10 CSG XmNorientation XmCOrientation unsigned char XmVERTICAL CSG
Valid string values that can be used in a resources file are: alignment_unspecified, unspecified,
alignment_beginning, beginning, alignment_center, center, alignment_end, end.
XmNstretchable resource set to True. This resource is valid only when the orientation is vertical.
XmColumn Constraint Resource Set Name Class Type Default AccessfP XmNentryLabelAlignment XmCAlignment unsigned char XmALIGNMENT_UNSPECIFIED CSG XmNentryLabelFontList XmCFontList XmFontList dynamic CSG XmNentryLabelRenderTable XmCRenderTable XmRenderTable dynamic CSG XmNentryLabelPixmap XmCLabelPixmap Pixmap XmUNPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG XmNentryLabelString XmCLabelString XmString NULL CSG XmNentryLabelType XmCLabelType unsigned char XmSTRING CSG XmNfillStyle XmCFillStyle unsigned char XmFILL_UNSPECIFIED CSG XmNshowEntryLabel XmCShowLabel Boolean True CSG XmNstretchable XmCStretchable Boolean False CG
XmFILL_UNSPECIFIED uses the value of the XmColumn's XmNdefaultFillStyle.
This manual page documents the XmColumn widget shipped in Motif version 2.2