XkbChangeControls (3) - Linux Manuals

XkbChangeControls: Provides a flexible method for updating the controls in a


XkbChangeControls - Provides a flexible method for updating the controls in a server to match those in the changed keyboard description


Bool XkbChangeControls (Display *dpy, XkbDescPtr xkb, XkbControlsChangesPtr changes);


- dpy
connection to X server
- xkb
keyboard description with changed xkb->ctrls
- changes
which parts of xkb->ctrls have changed


The XkbControlsChangesRec structure allows applications to track modifications to an XkbControlsRec structure and thereby reduce the amount of traffic sent to the server. The same XkbControlsChangesRec structure may be used in several successive modifications to the same XkbControlsRec structure, then subsequently used to cause all of the changes, and only the changes, to be propagated to the server.

The changed_ctrls field is a mask specifying which logical sets of data in the controls structure have been modified. In this context, modified means set, that is, if a value is set to the same value it previously contained, it has still been modified, and is noted as changed. Valid values for changed_ctrls are any combination of the masks listed in Table 1 that have "ok" in the changed_ctrls column. Setting a bit implies the corresponding data fields from the "Relevant XkbControlsRec Data Fields" column in Table 1 have been modified. The enabled_ctrls_changes field specifies which bits in the enabled_ctrls field have changed. If the number of keyboard groups has changed, the num_groups_changed field is set to True.

Table 1 shows the actual values for the individual mask bits used to select controls for modification and to enable and disable the control. Note that the same mask bit is used to specify general modifications to the parameters used to configure the control (which), and to enable and disable the control (enabled_ctrls). The anomalies in the table (no "ok" in column) are for controls that have no configurable attributes; and for controls that are not boolean controls and therefore cannot be enabled or disabled.

Table 1 Xkb Controls

Mask (whichXkbControlsRecBoolean Control
parameter)DataFieldsenabled_ctrls bitSection

AccessXFeedback XkbAccessXFeedbackMask ax_options:
XkbAccessXFeedbackMask 10.6.3
AccessXKeys XkbAccessXKeysMask 10.6.1
AccessXTimeout XkbAccessXTimeoutMask ax_timeout axt_opts_mask axt_opts_values axt_ctrls_mask axt_ctrls_values XkbAccessXTimeoutMask 10.6.2
AudibleBell XkbAudibleBellMask 9.2
AutoReset 10.1.2
BounceKeys XkbBounceKeysMask debounce_delay XkbBounceKeysMask 10.6.7
Detectable- 10.3.3
EnabledControls XkbControlsEnabledMask enabled_ctrls Non-Boolean Control 10.1.1
GroupsWrap XkbGroupsWrapMask groups_wrap Non-Boolean Control 10.7.1
IgnoreGroupLock XkbIgnoreGroupLockMask 10.7.3
IgnoreLockMods XkbIgnoreLockModsMask ignore_lock Non-Boolean Control 5.1
InternalMods XkbInternalModsMask internal Non-Boolean Control 5.1
MouseKeys XkbMouseKeysMask mk_dflt_btn XkbMouseKeysMask 10.5.1
MouseKeysAccel XkbMouseKeysAccelMask mk_delay mk_interval mk_time_to_max mk_max_speed mk_curve XkbMouseKeysAccelMask 10.5.2
Overlay1 XkbOverlay1Mask 10.4
Overlay2 XkbOverlay2Mask 10.4
PerKeyRepeat XkbPerKeyRepeatMask per_key_repeat Non-Boolean Control 10.3.1
RepeatKeys XkbRepeatKeysMask repeat_delay XkbRepeatKeysMask 10.3
SlowKeys XkbSlowKeysMask slow_keys_delay XkbSlowKeysMask 10.6.6
StickyKeys XkbStickyKeysMask ax_options:
XkbStickyKeysMask 10.6.8

Table 2 shows the actual values for the individual mask bits used to select controls for modification and to enable and disable the control. Note that the same mask bit is used to specify general modifications to the parameters used to configure the control (which), and to enable and disable the control (enabled_ctrls). The anomalies in the table (no "ok" in column) are for controls that have no configurable attributes; and for controls that are not boolean controls and therefore cannot be enabled or disabled.

Table 2 Controls Mask Bits

Mask Bitwhich orValue

XkbAccessXOptionsMaskokok(XkbStickyKeysMask |

If you have an Xkb description with controls that have been modified and an XkbControlsChangesRec that describes the changes that have been made, the XkbChangeControls function provides a flexible method for updating the controls in a server to match those in the changed keyboard description.

XkbChangeControls copies any controls fields specified by changes from the keyboard description controls structure, xkb->ctrls, to the server specified by dpy.


The XkbControlsChangesRec structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct _XkbControlsChanges {
    unsigned int  changed_ctrls;         /* bits indicating changed control data 
    unsigned int  enabled_ctrls_changes; /* bits indicating enabled/disabled 
controls */
    Bool          num_groups_changed;    /* True if number of keyboard groups 
changed */
} XkbControlsChangesRec,*XkbControlsChangesPtr;