XcmsQueryBlack (3) - Linux Manuals

XcmsQueryBlack: obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications


XcmsQueryBlack, XcmsQueryBlue, XcmsQueryGreen, XcmsQueryRed, XcmsQueryWhite - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications


Status XcmsQueryBlack(XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColorFormat target_format, XcmsColor *color_return);
Status XcmsQueryBlue(XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColorFormat target_format, XcmsColor *color_return);
Status XcmsQueryGreen(XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColorFormat target_format, XcmsColor *color_return);
Status XcmsQueryRed(XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColorFormat target_format, XcmsColor *color_return);
Status XcmsQueryWhite(XcmsCCC ccc, XcmsColorFormat target_format, XcmsColor *color_return);


Specifies the CCC. Note that the CCC's Client White Point and White Point Adjustment procedures are ignored.
Returns the color specification in the specified target format. The white point associated with the returned color specification is the Screen White Point. The value returned in the pixel member is undefined.
Specifies the target color specification format.


The XcmsQueryBlack function returns the color specification in the specified target format for zero-intensity red, green, and blue.

The XcmsQueryBlue function returns the color specification in the specified target format for full-intensity blue while red and green are zero.

The XcmsQueryGreen function returns the color specification in the specified target format for full-intensity green while red and blue are zero.

The XcmsQueryRed function returns the color specification in the specified target format for full-intensity red while green and blue are zero.

The XcmsQueryWhite function returns the color specification in the specified target format for full-intensity red, green, and blue.


XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(3), XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(3), XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(3)
Xlib - C Language X Interface