QwtEventPattern (3) - Linux Manuals
QwtEventPattern -
A collection of event patterns.
#include <qwt_event_pattern.h>
class KeyPattern
A pattern for key events.
class MousePattern
A pattern for mouse events.
Public Types
enum MousePatternCode { MouseSelect1, MouseSelect2, MouseSelect3, MouseSelect4, MouseSelect5, MouseSelect6, MousePatternCount }
Symbolic mouse input codes.
enum KeyPatternCode { KeySelect1, KeySelect2, KeyAbort, KeyLeft, KeyRight, KeyUp, KeyDown, KeyRedo, KeyUndo, KeyHome, KeyPatternCount }
Symbolic keyboard input codes.
Public Member Functions
QwtEventPattern ()
virtual ~QwtEventPattern ()
void initMousePattern (int numButtons)
void initKeyPattern ()
void setMousePattern (MousePatternCode, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
void setKeyPattern (KeyPatternCode, int keyCode, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifierCodes=Qt::NoModifier)
void setMousePattern (const QVector< MousePattern > &)
Change the mouse event patterns.
void setKeyPattern (const QVector< KeyPattern > &)
Change the key event patterns.
const QVector< MousePattern > & mousePattern () const
const QVector< KeyPattern > & keyPattern () const
QVector< MousePattern > & mousePattern ()
QVector< KeyPattern > & keyPattern ()
bool mouseMatch (MousePatternCode, const QMouseEvent *) const
Compare a mouse event with an event pattern.
bool keyMatch (KeyPatternCode, const QKeyEvent *) const
Compare a key event with an event pattern.
Protected Member Functions
virtual bool mouseMatch (const MousePattern &, const QMouseEvent *) const
Compare a mouse event with an event pattern.
virtual bool keyMatch (const KeyPattern &, const QKeyEvent *) const
Compare a key event with an event pattern.
Detailed Description
A collection of event patterns.
QwtEventPattern introduces an level of indirection for mouse and keyboard inputs. Those are represented by symbolic names, so the application code can be configured by individual mappings.
See Also:
- QwtPicker, QwtPickerMachine, QwtPlotZoomer
Member Enumeration Documentation
enum QwtEventPattern::KeyPatternCode
Symbolic keyboard input codes. Individual settings can be configured using setKeyPattern()
See Also:
- setKeyPattern(), setMousePattern()
- KeySelect1
- Qt::Key_Return.
- KeySelect2
- Qt::Key_Space.
- KeyAbort
- Qt::Key_Escape.
- KeyLeft
- Qt::Key_Left.
- KeyRight
- Qt::Key_Right.
- KeyUp
- Qt::Key_Up.
- KeyDown
- Qt::Key_Down.
- KeyRedo
- Qt::Key_Plus.
- KeyUndo
- Qt::Key_Minus.
- KeyHome
- Qt::Key_Escape.
- KeyPatternCount
- Number of key patterns.
enum QwtEventPattern::MousePatternCode
Symbolic mouse input codes. QwtEventPattern implements 3 different settings for mice with 1, 2, or 3 buttons that can be activated using initMousePattern(). The default setting is for 3 button mice.
Individual settings can be configured using setMousePattern().
See Also:
- initMousePattern(), setMousePattern(), setKeyPattern()
- MouseSelect1
- The default setting for 1, 2 and 3 button mice is:
- •
- Qt::LeftButton
- •
- Qt::LeftButton
- •
- Qt::LeftButton
- MouseSelect2
- The default setting for 1, 2 and 3 button mice is:
- •
- Qt::LeftButton + Qt::ControlModifier
- •
- Qt::RightButton
- •
- Qt::RightButton
- MouseSelect3
- The default setting for 1, 2 and 3 button mice is:
- •
- Qt::LeftButton + Qt::AltModifier
- •
- Qt::LeftButton + Qt::AltModifier
- •
- Qt::MidButton
- MouseSelect4
- The default setting for 1, 2 and 3 button mice is:
- •
- Qt::LeftButton + Qt::ShiftModifier
- •
- Qt::LeftButton + Qt::ShiftModifier
- •
- Qt::LeftButton + Qt::ShiftModifier
- MouseSelect5
- The default setting for 1, 2 and 3 button mice is:
- •
- Qt::LeftButton + Qt::ControlButton | Qt::ShiftModifier
- •
- Qt::RightButton + Qt::ShiftModifier
- •
- Qt::RightButton + Qt::ShiftModifier
- MouseSelect6
- The default setting for 1, 2 and 3 button mice is:
- •
- Qt::LeftButton + Qt::AltModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier
- •
- Qt::LeftButton + Qt::AltModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier
- •
- Qt::MidButton + Qt::ShiftModifier
- MousePatternCount
- Number of mouse patterns.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
QwtEventPattern::QwtEventPattern ()
ConstructorSee Also:
- MousePatternCode, KeyPatternCode
Member Function Documentation
void QwtEventPattern::initKeyPattern ()
Set default mouse patterns.See Also:
- KeyPatternCode
void QwtEventPattern::initMousePattern (intnumButtons)
Set default mouse patterns, depending on the number of mouse buttonsParameters:
- numButtons Number of mouse buttons ( <= 3 )
See Also:
- MousePatternCode
bool QwtEventPattern::keyMatch (KeyPatternCodecode, const QKeyEvent *event) const
Compare a key event with an event pattern. A key event matches the pattern when both have the same key value and in the state value the same key flags (Qt::KeyButtonMask) are set.
code Index of the event pattern
event Key event
- true if matches
See Also:
- mouseMatch()
bool QwtEventPattern::keyMatch (const KeyPattern &pattern, const QKeyEvent *event) const [protected], [virtual]
Compare a key event with an event pattern. A key event matches the pattern when both have the same key value and in the state value the same key flags (Qt::KeyButtonMask) are set.
pattern Key event pattern
event Key event
- true if matches
See Also:
- mouseMatch()
const QVector< QwtEventPattern::KeyPattern > & QwtEventPattern::keyPattern () const
- Key pattern
QVector< QwtEventPattern::KeyPattern > & QwtEventPattern::keyPattern ()
- Key pattern
bool QwtEventPattern::mouseMatch (MousePatternCodecode, const QMouseEvent *event) const
Compare a mouse event with an event pattern. A mouse event matches the pattern when both have the same button value and in the state value the same key flags(Qt::KeyButtonMask) are set.
code Index of the event pattern
event Mouse event
- true if matches
See Also:
- keyMatch()
bool QwtEventPattern::mouseMatch (const MousePattern &pattern, const QMouseEvent *event) const [protected], [virtual]
Compare a mouse event with an event pattern. A mouse event matches the pattern when both have the same button value and in the state value the same key flags(Qt::KeyButtonMask) are set.
pattern Mouse event pattern
event Mouse event
- true if matches
See Also:
- keyMatch()
const QVector< QwtEventPattern::MousePattern > & QwtEventPattern::mousePattern () const
- Mouse pattern
QVector< QwtEventPattern::MousePattern > & QwtEventPattern::mousePattern ()
- Mouse pattern
void QwtEventPattern::setKeyPattern (KeyPatternCodepattern, intkey, Qt::KeyboardModifiersmodifiers = Qt::NoModifier)
Change one key patternParameters:
pattern Index of the pattern
key Key
modifiers Keyboard modifiers
See Also:
- QKeyEvent
void QwtEventPattern::setMousePattern (MousePatternCodepattern, Qt::MouseButtonbutton, Qt::KeyboardModifiersmodifiers = Qt::NoModifier)
Change one mouse patternParameters:
pattern Index of the pattern
button Button
modifiers Keyboard modifiers
See Also:
- QMouseEvent
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