QwtDial (3) - Linux Manuals
QwtDial -
QwtDial class provides a rounded range control.
#include <qwt_dial.h>
Inherits QwtAbstractSlider.
Inherited by QwtAnalogClock, and QwtCompass.
Public Types
enum Shadow { Plain = QFrame::Plain, Raised = QFrame::Raised, Sunken = QFrame::Sunken }
Frame shadow.
enum Mode { RotateNeedle, RotateScale }
Mode controlling whether the needle or the scale is rotating.
Public Member Functions
QwtDial (QWidget *parent=NULL)
virtual ~QwtDial ()
void setFrameShadow (Shadow)
Shadow frameShadow () const
void setLineWidth (int)
int lineWidth () const
void setMode (Mode)
Change the mode of the dial.
Mode mode () const
void setScaleArc (double min, double max)
void setMinScaleArc (double min)
double minScaleArc () const
void setMaxScaleArc (double min)
double maxScaleArc () const
virtual void setOrigin (double)
Change the origin.
double origin () const
void setNeedle (QwtDialNeedle *)
const QwtDialNeedle * needle () const
QwtDialNeedle * needle ()
QRect boundingRect () const
QRect innerRect () const
virtual QRect scaleInnerRect () const
virtual QSize sizeHint () const
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint () const
void setScaleDraw (QwtRoundScaleDraw *)
QwtRoundScaleDraw * scaleDraw ()
const QwtRoundScaleDraw * scaleDraw () const
Protected Member Functions
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *)
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *)
virtual void changeEvent (QEvent *)
virtual void drawFrame (QPainter *p)
virtual void drawContents (QPainter *) const
Draw the contents inside the frame.
virtual void drawFocusIndicator (QPainter *) const
void invalidateCache ()
virtual void drawScale (QPainter *, const QPointF ¢er, double radius) const
virtual void drawScaleContents (QPainter *painter, const QPointF ¢er, double radius) const
virtual void drawNeedle (QPainter *, const QPointF &, double radius, double direction, QPalette::ColorGroup) const
virtual double scrolledTo (const QPoint &) const
Determine the value for a new position of the slider handle.
virtual bool isScrollPosition (const QPoint &) const
Determine what to do when the user presses a mouse button.
virtual void sliderChange ()
Calling update()
virtual void scaleChange ()
Additional Inherited Members
Detailed Description
QwtDial class provides a rounded range control.
QwtDial is intended as base class for dial widgets like speedometers, compass widgets, clocks ...
A dial contains a scale and a needle indicating the current value of the dial. Depending on Mode one of them is fixed and the other is rotating. If not isReadOnly() the dial can be rotated by dragging the mouse or using keyboard inputs (see QwtAbstractSlider::keyPressEvent()). A dial might be wrapping, what means a rotation below/above one limit continues on the other limit (f.e compass). The scale might cover any arc of the dial, its values are related to the origin() of the dial.
Often dials have to be updated very often according to values from external devices. For these high refresh rates QwtDial caches as much as possible. For derived classes it might be necessary to clear these caches manually according to attribute changes using invalidateCache().
See Also:
- QwtCompass, QwtAnalogClock, QwtDialNeedle
The controls and dials examples shows different types of dials.
QDial is more similar to QwtKnob than to QwtDial
Member Enumeration Documentation
enum QwtDial::Mode
Mode controlling whether the needle or the scale is rotating.
- RotateNeedle
- The needle is rotating.
- RotateScale
- The needle is fixed, the scales are rotating.
enum QwtDial::Shadow
Frame shadow. Unfortunately it is not possible to use QFrame::Shadow as a property of a widget that is not derived from QFrame. The following enum is made for the designer only. It is safe to use QFrame::Shadow instead.
- Plain
- QFrame::Plain.
- Raised
- QFrame::Raised.
- Sunken
- QFrame::Sunken.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
QwtDial::QwtDial (QWidget *parent = NULL) [explicit]
- parent Parent widget
Create a dial widget with no needle. The scale is initialized to [ 0.0, 360.0 ] and 360 steps ( QwtAbstractSlider::setTotalSteps() ). The origin of the scale is at 90°,
The value is set to 0.0.
The default mode is QwtDial::RotateNeedle.
Member Function Documentation
QRect QwtDial::boundingRect () const
- bounding rectangle of the dial including the frame
See Also:
- setLineWidth(), scaleInnerRect(), innerRect()
void QwtDial::changeEvent (QEvent *event) [protected], [virtual]
Change Event handlerParameters:
- event Change event
Invalidates internal paint caches if necessary
void QwtDial::drawContents (QPainter *painter) const [protected], [virtual]
Draw the contents inside the frame. QPalette::Window is the background color outside of the frame. QPalette::Base is the background color inside the frame. QPalette::WindowText is the background color inside the scale.
- painter Painter
See Also:
- boundingRect(), innerRect(), scaleInnerRect(), QWidget::setPalette()
void QwtDial::drawFocusIndicator (QPainter *painter) const [protected], [virtual]
Draw the focus indicatorParameters:
- painter Painter
void QwtDial::drawFrame (QPainter *painter) [protected], [virtual]
Draw the frame around the dialParameters:
- painter Painter
See Also:
- lineWidth(), frameShadow()
void QwtDial::drawNeedle (QPainter *painter, const QPointF ¢er, doubleradius, doubledirection, QPalette::ColorGroupcolorGroup) const [protected], [virtual]
Draw the needleParameters:
painter Painter
center Center of the dial
radius Length for the needle
direction Direction of the needle in degrees, counter clockwise
colorGroup ColorGroup
Reimplemented in QwtAnalogClock.
void QwtDial::drawScale (QPainter *painter, const QPointF ¢er, doubleradius) const [protected], [virtual]
Draw the scaleParameters:
painter Painter
center Center of the dial
radius Radius of the scale
void QwtDial::drawScaleContents (QPainter *painter, const QPointF ¢er, doubleradius) const [protected], [virtual]
Draw the contents inside the scalePaints nothing.
painter Painter
center Center of the contents circle
radius Radius of the contents circle
QwtDial::Shadow QwtDial::frameShadow () const
- Frame shadow /sa setFrameShadow(), lineWidth(), QFrame::frameShadow()
QRect QwtDial::innerRect () const
- bounding rectangle of the circle inside the frame
See Also:
- setLineWidth(), scaleInnerRect(), boundingRect()
void QwtDial::invalidateCache () [protected]
Invalidate the internal caches used to speed up repaintingbool QwtDial::isScrollPosition (const QPoint &pos) const [protected], [virtual]
Determine what to do when the user presses a mouse button.
- pos Mouse position
Return values:
- True,when the inner circle contains pos
See Also:
- scrolledTo()
int QwtDial::lineWidth () const
- Line width of the frame
See Also:
- setLineWidth(), frameShadow(), lineWidth()
double QwtDial::maxScaleArc () const
- Upper limit of the scale arc
See Also:
- setScaleArc()
QSize QwtDial::minimumSizeHint () const [virtual]
- Minimum size hint
See Also:
- sizeHint()
double QwtDial::minScaleArc () const
- Lower limit of the scale arc
See Also:
- setScaleArc()
QwtDial::Mode QwtDial::mode () const
- Mode of the dial.
See Also:
- setMode(), origin(), setScaleArc(), value()
const QwtDialNeedle * QwtDial::needle () const
- needle
See Also:
- setNeedle()
QwtDialNeedle * QwtDial::needle ()
- needle
See Also:
- setNeedle()
double QwtDial::origin () const
The origin is the angle where scale and needle is relative to.Returns:
- Origin of the dial
See Also:
- setOrigin()
void QwtDial::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event) [protected], [virtual]
Paint the dialParameters:
- event Paint event
void QwtDial::scaleChange () [protected], [virtual]
Invalidate the internal caches and call QwtAbstractSlider::scaleChange()Reimplemented from QwtAbstractSlider.
QwtRoundScaleDraw * QwtDial::scaleDraw ()
- the scale draw
const QwtRoundScaleDraw * QwtDial::scaleDraw () const
- the scale draw
QRect QwtDial::scaleInnerRect () const [virtual]
- rectangle inside the scale
See Also:
- setLineWidth(), boundingRect(), innerRect()
double QwtDial::scrolledTo (const QPoint &pos) const [protected], [virtual]
Determine the value for a new position of the slider handle.
- pos Mouse position
- Value for the mouse position
See Also:
- isScrollPosition()
void QwtDial::setFrameShadow (Shadowshadow)
Sets the frame shadow value from the frame style.Parameters:
- shadow Frame shadow
See Also:
- setLineWidth(), QFrame::setFrameShadow()
void QwtDial::setLineWidth (intlineWidth)
Sets the line width of the frameParameters:
- lineWidth Line width
See Also:
- setFrameShadow()
void QwtDial::setMaxScaleArc (doublemax)
Set the upper limit for the scale arcParameters:
- max Upper limit of the scale arc
See Also:
- setScaleArc(), setMinScaleArc()
void QwtDial::setMinScaleArc (doublemin)
Set the lower limit for the scale arcParameters:
- min Lower limit of the scale arc
See Also:
- setScaleArc(), setMaxScaleArc()
void QwtDial::setMode (Modemode)
Change the mode of the dial.
- mode New mode
In case of QwtDial::RotateNeedle the needle is rotating, in case of QwtDial::RotateScale, the needle points to origin() and the scale is rotating.
The default mode is QwtDial::RotateNeedle.
See Also:
- mode(), setValue(), setOrigin()
void QwtDial::setNeedle (QwtDialNeedle *needle)
Set a needle for the dialParameters:
- needle Needle
- The needle will be deleted, when a different needle is set or in ~QwtDial()
void QwtDial::setOrigin (doubleorigin) [virtual]
Change the origin. The origin is the angle where scale and needle is relative to.
- origin New origin
See Also:
- origin()
void QwtDial::setScaleArc (doubleminArc, doublemaxArc)
Change the arc of the scaleParameters:
minArc Lower limit
maxArc Upper limit
See Also:
- minScaleArc(), maxScaleArc()
void QwtDial::setScaleDraw (QwtRoundScaleDraw *scaleDraw)
Set an individual scale drawThe motivation for setting a scale draw is often to overload QwtRoundScaleDraw::label() to return individual tick labels.
- scaleDraw Scale draw
- The previous scale draw is deleted
QSize QwtDial::sizeHint () const [virtual]
- Size hint
See Also:
- minimumSizeHint()
void QwtDial::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event) [protected], [virtual]
Wheel Event handlerParameters:
- event Wheel event
Reimplemented from QwtAbstractSlider.
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