Lintian::Processable::Control::Conffiles (3) - Linux Manuals
Lintian::Processable::Control::Conffiles: access to collected control data for conffiles
Lintian::Processable::Control::Conffiles - access to collected control data for conffiles
use Lintian::Processable; my $processable = Lintian::Processable::Binary->new;
Lintian::Processable::Control::Conffiles provides an interface to control data for conffiles.INSTANCE METHODS
- conffiles
Returns a list of absolute filenames found for conffiles.
Needs-Info requirements for using conffiles: Same as control_index_resolved_path
- is_conffile (FILE)
Returns a truth value if FILE is listed in the conffiles control file.
If the control file is not present or FILE is not listed in it, it
returns "undef".
Note that FILE should be the filename relative to the package root (even though the control file uses absolute paths). If the control file does relative paths, they are assumed to be relative to the package root as well (and used without warning).
Needs-Info requirements for using is_conffile: Same as control_index_resolved_path