xrdfs (1) - Linux Manuals

xrdfs: xrootd file and directory meta-data utility


xrdfs - xrootd file and directory meta-data utility


xrdfs [--no-cwd] host[:port] [command [args]]

command: help, chmod, ls, locate, mkdir, mv, stat, statvfs, query, rm, rmdir,
           truncate, prepare, cat, tail, spaceinfo


The xrdfs utility executes meta-data oriented operations (e.g., ls, mv, rm, etc.) on one or more xrootd servers. Command help is available by invoking xrdfs with no command line options or parameters and then typing "help" in response to the input prompt.


No CWD is being preset in interactive mode.


chmod path <user><group><other>
Modify permissions of the path. Permission string example: rwxr-x--x

ls [-l] [-u] [dirname]
Get directory listing.
-l stat every entry and pring long listing
-u print paths as URLs

locate [-n] [-r] [-d] <path>
Get the locations of the path.
-r refresh, don't use cached locations
-n make the server return the response immediately even though it may be incomplete
-d do a recursive, deep locate in order to find data servers
-m prefer host names to IP addresses
-i ignore network dependencies (IPv6/IPv4)

mkdir [-p] [-m<user><group><other>] <dirname>
Creates a directory/tree of directories.
-p create the entire directory tree recursively
-m<user><group><other> permissions for newly created directories

mv <path1> <path2>
Move path1 to path2 locally on the same server.

stat <path>
Get info about the file or directory.
-q query optional flag query parameter that makes xrdfs return error code to the shell if the requested flag combination is not present; flags may be combined together using '|' or '&'
Available flags: XBitSet, IsDir, Other, Offline, POSCPending, IsReadable, IsWriteable

statvfs <path>
Get info about a virtual file system.

query <code> <params>
Obtain server information. Query codes:
config <what> Server configuration; <what> is one of the following:
bind_max - the maximum number of parallel streams
chksum - the supported checksum
pio_max - maximum number of parallel I/O requests
readv_ior_max - maximum size of a readv element
readv_iov_max - maximum number of readv entries
tpc - support for third party copies
wan_port - the port to use for wan copies
wan_window - the wan_port window size
window - the tcp window size
cms - the status of the cmsd
role - the role in a cluster
sitename - the site name
version - the version of the server
checksumcancel <path> File checksum cancelation
checksum <path> File checksum
opaque <arg> Implementation dependent
opaquefile <arg> Implementation dependent
space <space> Logical space stats
stats <what> Server stats; <what> is a list of letters indicating information to be returned:
a - all statistics
p - protocol statistics
b - buffer usage statistics
s - scheduling statistics
d - device polling statistics
u - usage statistics
i - server identification
z - synchronized statistics
l - connection statistics
xattr <path> Extended attributes

rm <filename>
Remove a file.

rmdir <dirname>
Remove a directory.

truncate <filename> <length>
Truncate a file.

prepare [-c] [-f] [-s] [-w] [-p priority] filenames
Prepare one or more files for access.
-c co-locate staged files if possible
-f refresh file access time even if the location is known
-s stage the files to disk if they are not online
-w whe files will be accessed for modification
-p priority of the request, 0 (lowest) - 3 (highest)

cat [-o localfile] file
Print contents of a file to stdout
-o print to the specified local file

tail [-c bytes] [-f] file
Output last part of files to stdout.
-c num_bytes out last num_bytes
-f output appended data as file grows

spaceinfo path
Get space statistics for given path.


For the list of available environment variables please refere to xrdcopy(1)


Errors yield an error message and a non-zero exit status.




The xrdfs command is supported by the XRootD Collaboration. Contact information can be found at
