udisks (1) - Linux Manuals
udisks: udisks command line tool
udisks - udisks command line tool
- udisks [OPTIONS]
- Dump all information about all devices. Please include this when filing bugs.
- Lists all object paths of devices know to the daemon.
- Lists all device files of devices know to the daemon.
- Connect to the daemon and print a line every time an event happens.
- Like --monitor but prints the full details of the device whenever an event happens.
--show-info device_file
- Shows information about device_file.
--inhibit-polling device_file [-- program arg ...]
- Inhibits polling on device_file. If no program is given, polling is inhibited until Ctrl+C is pressed. Otherwise the program is spawned and the polling is only inhibited until the program terminates.
--poll-for-media device_file
- Polls device_file to perform media detection.
--inhibit-all-polling [-- program arg ...]
- Inhibits polling on all devices. If no program is given, polling is inhibited until Ctrl+C is pressed. Otherwise the program is spawned and the polling is only inhibited until the program terminates.
--mount device_file [--mount-fstype
- Mounts the device represented by device_file using the file system fstype and a comma-separated list of options.
--unmount device_file [--unmount-options
- Unmounts the device represented by device_file using a comma-separated list of options.
--detach device_file [--detach-options
- Detaches (e.g. powering down the physical port the device is connected to) the device represented by device_file using a comma-separated list of options.
--eject device_file [--eject-options
- Ejects media from the device represented by device_file using a comma-separated list of options.
--ata-smart-refresh device_file [--ata-smart-wakeup]
- Refreshes ATA SMART data for device_file. If the disk is sleeping it will not be woken up unless --ata-smart-wakeup is passed. will be used.
--ata-smart-refresh device_file --ata-smart-simulate blob
- Read ATA SMART data from blob for device_file. This can only be done by the super user and is typically used for testing that clients relying on the ATA SMART data provided by udisks behave correctly. The libatasmart git repository at m[blue]http://git.0pointer.de/?p=libatasmart.git;a=summarym[] contains a collection of blobs from failing disks.
--inhibit [-- program arg ...]
Inhibits clients from invoking methods on the daemon that require authorization (all methods will return the
error) if the caller is not the super user. This is typically used by OS installers and other programs that expects full control of the system, specifically to avoid automounting devices. Only the super user can do this.
If no program is given, the daemon is inhibited until Ctrl+C is pressed. Otherwise the program is spawned and the daemon is only inhibited until the program terminates.
--set-spindown device_file --spindown-timeout seconds [-- program arg ...]
Configures disk spindown timeout on
seconds. See
the section called "SPINNING DOWN DISKS"
for important information before using this option.
If no program is given, the spindown time will be used until Ctrl+C is pressed. Otherwise the program is spawned and the the spindown timeout will only be used until the program terminates.
--set-spindown-all --spindown-timeout seconds [-- program arg ...]
Configures disk spindown timeout on all disks that can be spun down to
seconds. See
the section called "SPINNING DOWN DISKS"
for important information before using this option.
If no program is given, the spindown time will be used until Ctrl+C is pressed. Otherwise the program is spawned and the the spindown timeout will only be used until the program terminates.
- Show help options.
Caution should be exercised when configuring disk spin down timeouts.
Note that every time a disk is spun down, the "start-stop-count" ATA SMART attribute will increase by 1 and most disks are only good for a limited number (typically 50,000 but it varies by manufacturer and model). In addition, the drive may take as long as 30 seconds to respond to subsequent disk access - most drives are typically faster, see the "spin-up-time" ATA SMART attribute.
On the other hand, cautious use (e.g. using conservative timeouts) of the ability to spin down disks, can be a good way to trade power consumption (typically 8 vs 1 Watts for 3.5" drives) and heat emission for a slightly higher latency.
Written by David Zeuthen <david [at] fubar.dk> with a lot of help from many others.
Please send bug reports to either the distribution bug tracker or the upstream bug tracker at m[blue]http://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=udisksm[].