uchardet (1) - Linux Manuals
uchardet: universalchardet (Universal Charset Detector)
Command to display uchardet
manual in Linux: $ man 1 uchardet
uchardet - universalchardet (Universal Charset Detector)
uchardet Command Line Tool
- uchardet [Options] [File]...
- Print version and build information.
- Print help text.
uchardet Command Line Tool
Pages related to uchardet
- ucf (1) - Update Configuration File: preserve user changes in configuration files
- ucfq (1) - query the ucf database
- ucfr (1) - Update Configuration File Registry: associate packages with configuration files
- uclampset (1) - manipulate the utilization clamping attributes of the system or a process
- ucmatose (1) - RDMA CM connection and simple ping-pong test.
- uconv (1) - convert data from one encoding to another