ts (1) - Linux Manuals

ts: timestamp input


ts - timestamp input


ts [-r] [-i | -s] [-m] [format]


ts adds a timestamp to the beginning of each line of input.

The optional format parameter controls how the timestamp is formatted, as used by strftime(3). The default format is ``%b %d %H:%M:%S''. In addition to the regular strftime conversion specifications, ``%.S'' and ``%.s'' and ``%.T'' are like ``%S'' and ``%s'' and ``%T'', but provide subsecond resolution (ie, ``30.00001'' and ``1301682593.00001'' and ``1:15:30.00001'').

If the -r switch is passed, it instead converts existing timestamps in the input to relative times, such as ``15m5s ago''. Many common timestamp formats are supported. Note that the Time::Duration and Date::Parse perl modules are required for this mode to work. Currently, converting localized dates is not supported.

If both -r and a format is passed, the existing timestamps are converted to the specified format.

If the -i or -s switch is passed, ts reports incremental timestamps instead of absolute ones. The default format changes to ``%H:%M:%S'', and ``%.S'' and ``%.s'' can be used as well. In case of -i, every timestamp will be the time elapsed since the last timestamp. In case of -s, the time elapsed since start of the program is used.

The -m switch makes the system's monotonic clock be used.


The standard TZ environment variable controls what time zone dates are assumed to be in, if a timezone is not specified as part of the date.


Copyright 2006 by Joey Hess <id [at] joeyh.name>

Licensed under the GNU GPL.