tilix.wrapper (1) - Linux Manuals

tilix.wrapper: Tiling GTK3 terminal emulator for GNOME


tilix - Tiling GTK3 terminal emulator for GNOME


tilix [options]


tilix is an advanced GTK3 tiling terminal emulator designed to adhere to Gnome Human Interface Guidelines.


The tilix application accepts the following command line parameters:
-h --help
Show help options.
-v --version
Show the version of Tilix as well as the versions of dependent components.
-w --working-directory=DIRECTORY
Set the working directory of the terminal.
-p --profile=PROFILE_NAME
Set the starting profile using the name of one of the existing profiles. If a name is passed that does not correspond to an existing profile, the default profile will be used.
-t --title=TITLE
Set the title of the new terminal.
-s --session=SESSION_NAME
Open the specified session file which has been previously saved. Session files are saved from within Tilix, they store the complete layout of the session enabling the user to re-load it when required. Note that only the layout and layout options are saved, this will not restore the terminal to where it was left off, rather new terminals are created.
-a --action=ACTION_NAME
Perform an action in the current Tilix instance, the following actions are supported:
session-add-right Adds a new terminal to the right of the current terminal.
session-add-down Adds a new terminal down from the current terminal.
app-new-session Creates a new Tilix session within the current window.
app-new-window Creates a new Tilix window.
-e --command=COMMAND
Execute all text after this parameter as a command, thus this parameter must be the last parameter.
Maximize the terminal window.
Minimize the terminal window.
Full-screen the terminal window.
Focus the existing window.
Start an additional Tilix instance as a new process. By default and as per GTK+ 3 guidelines, Tilix maintains a single process that all windows belong to. This option forces Tilix to start as a separate process. This is not recommended and is intended for debugging purposes only, using this option will prevent different Tilix windows from communicating with each other.
Set the window size; for example: 80x24, or 80x24+200+200 (COLSxROWS+X+Y).
-q --quake
Open a window in quake mode or toggle existing quake mode window visibility.
Show the Tilix preferences dialog directly.


See bugs at https://github.com/gnunn1/tilix/issues


Gerald Nunn and other contributors.

