stg-log (1) - Linux Manuals

stg-log: Display the patch changelog


stg-log - Display the patch changelog


stg log [options] [--] [<patches>]


List the history of the patch stack: the stack log. If one or more patch names are given, limit the list to the log entries that touch the named patches.

"stg undo" and "stg redo" let you step back and forth in the patch stack. "stg reset" lets you go directly to any state.


-b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH

Use BRANCH instead of the default one.

-d, --diff

Show the refresh diffs.

-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER

Limit the output to NUMBER commits.

-f, --full

Show the full commit ids.

-g, --graphical

Run gitk instead of printing.


Clear the log history.


Part of the StGit suite - see stg(1)