rst2odt (1) - Linux Manuals
rst2odt: convert reST documents to OpenDocument text (ODT)
rst2odt - convert reST documents to OpenDocument text (ODT)
rst2odt [options] [<source> [<destination>]]
Generates OpenDocument/OpenOffice/ODF documents from standalone reStructuredText sources. Reads from <source> (default is stdin) and writes to <destination> (default is stdout). See <> for the full reference.
General Docutils Options
- --title=TITLE
- Specify the document title as metadata.
- --generator, -g
- Include a "Generated by Docutils" credit and link.
- --no-generator
- Do not include a generator credit.
- --date, -d
- Include the date at the end of the document (UTC).
- --time, -t
- Include the time & date (UTC).
- --no-datestamp
- Do not include a datestamp of any kind.
- --source-link, -s
- Include a "View document source" link.
- --source-url=<URL>
- Use <URL> for a source link; implies --source-link.
- --no-source-link
- Do not include a "View document source" link.
- --toc-entry-backlinks
- Link from section headers to TOC entries. (default)
- --toc-top-backlinks
- Link from section headers to the top of the TOC.
- --no-toc-backlinks
- Disable backlinks to the table of contents.
- --footnote-backlinks
- Link from footnotes/citations to references. (default)
- --no-footnote-backlinks
- Disable backlinks from footnotes and citations.
- --section-numbering
- Enable section numbering by Docutils. (default)
- --no-section-numbering
- Disable section numbering by Docutils.
- --strip-comments
- Remove comment elements from the document tree.
- --leave-comments
- Leave comment elements in the document tree. (default)
- --strip-elements-with-class=<class>
- Remove all elements with classes="<class>" from the document tree. Warning: potentially dangerous; use with caution. (Multiple-use option.)
- --strip-class=<class>
- Remove all classes="<class>" attributes from elements in the document tree. Warning: potentially dangerous; use with caution. (Multiple-use option.)
- --report=<level>, -r <level>
- Report system messages at or higher than <level>: "info" or "1", "warning"/"2" (default), "error"/"3", "severe"/"4", "none"/"5"
- --verbose, -v
- Report all system messages. (Same as "--report=1".)
- --quiet, -q
- Report no system messages. (Same as "--report=5".)
- --halt=<level>
- Halt execution at system messages at or above <level>. Levels as in --report. Default: 4 (severe).
- --strict
- Halt at the slightest problem. Same as "--halt=info".
- --exit-status=<level>
- Enable a non-zero exit status for non-halting system messages at or above <level>. Default: 5 (disabled).
- --debug
- Enable debug-level system messages and diagnostics.
- --no-debug
- Disable debug output. (default)
- --warnings=<file>
- Send the output of system messages to <file>.
- --traceback
- Enable Python tracebacks when Docutils is halted.
- --no-traceback
- Disable Python tracebacks. (default)
- --input-encoding=<name[:handler]>, -i <name[:handler]>
- Specify the encoding and optionally the error handler of input text. Default: <locale-dependent>:strict.
- --input-encoding-error-handler=INPUT_ENCODING_ERROR_HANDLER
- Specify the error handler for undecodable characters. Choices: "strict" (default), "ignore", and "replace".
- --output-encoding=<name[:handler]>, -o <name[:handler]>
- Specify the text encoding and optionally the error handler for output. Default: UTF-8:strict.
- --output-encoding-error-handler=OUTPUT_ENCODING_ERROR_HANDLER
- Specify error handler for unencodable output characters; "strict" (default), "ignore", "replace", "xmlcharrefreplace", "backslashreplace".
- --error-encoding=<name[:handler]>, -e <name[:handler]>
- Specify text encoding and error handler for error output. Default text encoding: system encoding. Default error handler: backslashreplace.
- --error-encoding-error-handler=ERROR_ENCODING_ERROR_HANDLER
- Specify the error handler for unencodable characters in error output. Default: backslashreplace.
- --language=<name>, -l <name>
- Specify the language (as BCP 47 language tag). Default: en.
- --record-dependencies=<file>
- Write output file dependencies to <file>.
- --config=<file>
- Read configuration settings from <file>, if it exists.
- --version, -V
- Show this program's version number and exit.
- --help, -h
- Show this help message and exit.
reStructuredText Parser Options
- --pep-references
- Recognize and link to standalone PEP references (like "PEP 258").
- --pep-base-url=<URL>
- Base URL for PEP references (default "").
- --pep-file-url-template=<URL>
- Template for PEP file part of URL. (default "pep-%04d")
- --rfc-references
- Recognize and link to standalone RFC references (like "RFC 822").
- --rfc-base-url=<URL>
- Base URL for RFC references (default "").
- --tab-width=<width>
- Set number of spaces for tab expansion (default 8).
- --trim-footnote-reference-space
- Remove spaces before footnote references.
- --leave-footnote-reference-space
- Leave spaces before footnote references.
- --no-file-insertion
- Disable directives that insert the contents of external file ("include" & "raw"); replaced with a "warning" system message.
- --file-insertion-enabled
- Enable directives that insert the contents of external file ("include" & "raw"). Enabled by default.
- --no-raw
- Disable the "raw" directives; replaced with a "warning" system message.
- --raw-enabled
- Enable the "raw" directive. Enabled by default.
- --syntax-highlight=<format>
- Token name set for parsing code with Pygments: one of "long", "short", or "none (no parsing)". Default is "long".
- --smart-quotes=<yes/no/alt>
- Change straight quotation marks to typographic form: one of "yes", "no", "alt[ernative]" (default "no").
- --smartquotes-locales=<language:quotes[,language:quotes,...]>
- Characters to use as "smart quotes" for <language>.
- --word-level-inline-markup
- Inline markup recognized at word boundaries only (adjacent to punctuation or whitespace). Force character-level inline markup recognition with "" (backslash + space). Default.
- --character-level-inline-markup
- Inline markup recognized anywhere, regardless of surrounding characters. Backslash-escapes must be used to avoid unwanted markup recognition. Useful for East Asian languages. Experimental.
Standalone Reader
- --no-doc-title
- Disable the promotion of a lone top-level section title to document title (and subsequent section title to document subtitle promotion; enabled by default).
- --no-doc-info
- Disable the bibliographic field list transform (enabled by default).
- --section-subtitles
- Activate the promotion of lone subsection titles to section subtitles (disabled by default).
- --no-section-subtitles
- Deactivate the promotion of lone subsection titles.
ODF-Specific Options
- --stylesheet=STYLESHEET
- Specify a stylesheet. Default: "/usr/share/docutils/writers/odf_odt/styles.odt"
- --odf-config-file=<file>
- Specify a configuration/mapping file relative to the current working directory for additional ODF options. In particular, this file may contain a section named "Formats" that maps default style names to names to be used in the resulting output file allowing for adhering to external standards. For more info and the format of the configuration/mapping file, see the odtwriter doc.
- --cloak-email-addresses
- Obfuscate email addresses to confuse harvesters while still keeping email links usable with standards- compliant browsers.
- --no-cloak-email-addresses
- Do not obfuscate email addresses.
- --table-border-thickness=TABLE_BORDER_THICKNESS
- Specify the thickness of table borders in thousands of a cm. Default is 35.
- --add-syntax-highlighting
- Add syntax highlighting in literal code blocks.
- --no-syntax-highlighting
- Do not add syntax highlighting in literal code blocks. (default)
- --create-sections
- Create sections for headers. (default)
- --no-sections
- Do not create sections for headers.
- --create-links
- Create links.
- --no-links
- Do not create links. (default)
- --endnotes-end-doc
- Generate endnotes at end of document, not footnotes at bottom of page.
- --no-endnotes-end-doc
- Generate footnotes at bottom of page, not endnotes at end of document. (default)
- --generate-list-toc
- Generate a bullet list table of contents, not an ODF/oowriter table of contents.
- --generate-oowriter-toc
- Generate an ODF/oowriter table of contents, not a bullet list. (default)
- --custom-odt-header=CUSTOM_HEADER
- Specify the contents of an custom header line. See odf_odt writer documentation for details about special field character sequences.
- --custom-odt-footer=CUSTOM_FOOTER
Specify the contents of an custom footer line. See
odf_odt writer documentation for details about special
field character sequences.