pilot-getromtoken (1) - Linux Manuals
pilot-getromtoken: Reads a ROM token from a Palm Handheld device.
pilot-getromtoken - Reads a ROM token from a Palm Handheld device.SECTION
pilot-link: Tools
Tokens you may currently extract are:
adcc: Entropy for internal A->D convertor calibration
irda: Present only on memory card w/IrDA support
snum: Device serial number (from Memory Card Flash ID)
Note, because pilot-getrom uses the low-level RPC protocol to fetch the ROM image, and the new OS5 devices do not use this protocol, you currently cannot fetch an OS5 ROM image using this utility. This will be updated in a future release to handle fetching OS5 ROM images, using the debugger protocol.
A ROM token to read (i.e. snum)
Print SysInfo
Read RAM
Read ROM
Write the ROM image to the file named by <filename>. If this is omitted, the filename will be written out as the rom version name as follows: 'pilot-$VERSION.rom' ,where an OS 3.5 image would be written as the filename of 'pilot-3.5.0.rom'.
pilot-getromtoken options
Conduit Options