papi_command_line (1) - Linux Manuals

papi_command_line: executes PAPI preset or native events from the command line.


papi_command_line - executes PAPI preset or native events from the command line.


papi_command_line < event > < event > ...


papi_command_line is a PAPI utility program that adds named events from the command line to a PAPI EventSet and does some work with that EventSet. This serves as a handy way to see if events can be counted together, and if they give reasonable results for known work.


-u Display output values as unsigned integers
-x Display output values as hexadecimal
-h Display help information about this utility.


There are no known bugs in this utility. If you find a bug, it should be reported to the PAPI Mailing List at ptools-perfapi [at]