npm-org (1) - Linux Manuals

npm-org: Manage orgs


npm-org - Manage orgs


npm org set <orgname> <username> [developer | admin | owner]
npm org rm <orgname> <username>
npm org ls <orgname> [<username>]


Add a new developer to an org:

$ npm org set my-org @mx-smith

Add a new admin to an org (or change a developer to an admin):

$ npm org set my-org @mx-santos admin

Remove a user from an org:

$ npm org rm my-org mx-santos

List all users in an org:

$ npm org ls my-org

List all users in JSON format:

$ npm org ls my-org --json

See what role a user has in an org:

$ npm org ls my-org @mx-santos


You can use the npm org commands to manage and view users of an organization. It supports adding and removing users, changing their roles, listing them, and finding specific ones and their roles.

See Also

Documentation on npm Orgs