ndb_show_tables (1) - Linux Manuals

ndb_show_tables: display list of NDB tables


ndb_show_tables - display list of NDB tables


ndb_show_tables [options]



displays a list of all NDB database objects in the cluster. By default, this includes not only both user-created tables and NDB system tables, but NDB-specific indexes, internal triggers, and MySQL Cluster Disk Data objects as well.

The following table includes options that are specific to the MySQL Cluster program ndb_show_tables. Additional descriptions follow the table. For options common to all MySQL Cluster programs, see Section 17.4.2, lqOptions Common to MySQL Cluster Programsrq.


ndb_show_tables [-c connect_string]

* --database, -d

Specifies the name of the database in which the tables are found.

* --loops, -l

Specifies the number of times the utility should execute. This is 1 when this option is not specified, but if you do use the option, you must supply an integer argument for it.

* --parsable, -p

Using this option causes the output to be in a format suitable for use with LOAD DATA INFILE.

* --show-temp-status

If specified, this causes temporary tables to be displayed.

* --type, -t

Can be used to restrict the output to one type of object, specified by an integer type code as shown here:

* 1: System table

* 2: User-created table

* 3: Unique hash index
Any other value causes all NDB database objects to be listed (the default).

* --unqualified, -u

If specified, this causes unqualified object names to be displayed.


Only user-created Cluster tables may be accessed from MySQL; system tables such as SYSTAB_0 are not visible to mysqld. However, you can examine the contents of system tables using NDB API applications such as ndb_select_all (see ndb_select_all(1)).


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Oracle Corporation (http://dev.mysql.com/).


For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/.