mpmetis (1) - Linux Manuals
mpmetis: Partitions a mesh into a specified number of parts.
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mpmetis - Partitions a mesh into a specified number of parts.
meshfile nparts
Required parameters
- meshfile
Stores the mesh to be partitioned.
- nparts
The number of partitions to split the mesh.
Optional parameters
- Specifies the graph to be used for computing the partitioning
The possible values are:
- dual
- Partition the dual graph of the mesh [default]
- nodal
- Partition the nodal graph of the mesh
- Specifies the scheme to be used for computing the k-way partitioning.
The possible values are:
- rb
- Recursive bisectioning
- kway
- Direct k-way partitioning [default]
- Specifies the scheme to be used to match the vertices of the graph
during the coarsening.
The possible values are:
- rm
- Random matching
- shem
- Sorted heavy-edge matching [default]
-iptype=string [applies only when -ptype=rb]
- Specifies the scheme to be used to compute the initial partitioning
of the graph.
The possible values are:
- grow
- Grow a bisection using a greedy strategy [default]
- random
- Compute a bisection at random
-objtype=string [applies only when -ptype=kway]
- Specifies the objective that the partitioning routines will optimize.
The possible values are:
- cut
- Minimize the edgecut [default]
- vol
- Minimize the total communication volume
-contig [applies only when -ptype=kway]
- Specifies that the partitioning routines should try to produce
partitions that are contiguous. Note that if the input graph is not
connected this option is ignored.
-minconn [applies only when -ptype=kway]
- Specifies that the partitioning routines should try to minimize the
maximum degree of the subdomain graph, i.e., the graph in which each
partition is a node, and edges connect subdomains with a shared
- Specifies the name of the file that stores the target weights for
each partition. By default, all partitions are assumed to be of
the same size.
- Specifies the maximum allowed load imbalance among the partitions.
A value of x indicates that the allowed load imbalance is 1+x/1000.
For ptype=rb, the load imbalance is measured as the ratio of the
2*max(left,right)/(left+right), where left and right are the sizes
of the respective partitions at each bisection.
For ptype=kway, the load imbalance is measured as the ratio of
max_i(pwgts[i])/avgpwgt, where pwgts[i] is the weight of the ith
partition and avgpwgt is the sum of the total vertex weights divided
by the number of partitions requested.
For ptype=rb, the default value is 1 (i.e., load imbalance of 1.001).
For ptype=kway, the default value is 30 (i.e., load imbalance of 1.03).
- Specifies the common number of nodes that two elements must have
in order to put an edge between them in the dual graph. Default is 1.
- Specifies the number of iterations for the refinement algorithms
at each stage of the uncoarsening process. Default is 10.
- Specifies the number of different partitionings that it will compute.
The final partitioning is the one that achieves the best edgecut or
communication volume. Default is 1.
- Specifies that no partitioning file should be generated.
- Selects the seed of the random number generator.
- Selects the dbglvl.
- Prints this message.