mokutil (1) - Linux Manuals

mokutil: utility to manipulate machine owner keys


mokutil - utility to manipulate machine owner keys


mokutil [--list-enrolled | -l]
        ([--mokx | -X])
mokutil [--list-new | -N]
        ([--mokx | -X])
mokutil [--list-delete | -D]
        ([--mokx | -X])
mokutil [--import keylist| -i keylist]
        ([--hash-file hashfile | -f hashfile] | [--root-pw | -P] |
         [--simple-hash | -s] | [--mokx | -X])
mokutil [--delete keylist | -d keylist]
        ([--hash-file hashfile | -f hashfile] | [--root-pw | -P] |
         [--simple-hash | -s] | [--mokx |- X])
mokutil [--revoke-import]
        ([--mokx | -X])
mokutil [--revoke-delete]
        ([--mokx | -X])
mokutil [--export | -x]
mokutil [--password | -p]
        ([--hash-file hashfile | -f hashfile] | [--root-pw | -P] |
         [--simple-hash | -s])
mokutil [--clear-password | -c]
        ([--simple-hash | -s])
mokutil [--disable-validation]
mokutil [--enable-validation]
mokutil [--sb-state]
mokutil [--test-key keyfile | -t keyfile]
        ([--mokx | -X])
mokutil [--reset]
        ([--hash-file hashfile | -f hashfile] | [--root-pw | -P] |
         [--simple-hash | -s] | [--mok | -X])
mokutil [--generate-hash=password | -gpassword]
mokutil [--ignore-db]
mokutil [--use-db]
mokutil [--import-hash hash]
        ([--hash-file hashfile | -f hashfile] | [--root-pw | -P] |
         [--simple-hash | -s] | [--mokx | -X])
mokutil [--delete-hash hash]
        ([--hash-file hashfile | -f hashfile] | [--root-pw | -P] |
         [--simple-hash | -s] | [--mokx | -X])
mokutil [--set-verbosity (true | false)]
mokutil [--pk]
mokutil [--kek]
mokutil [--db]
mokutil [--dbx]


mokutil is a tool to import or delete the machines owner keys (MOK) stored in the database of shim.


-l, --list-enrolled
List the keys the already stored in the database
-N, --list-new
List the keys to be enrolled
-D, --list-delete
List the keys to be deleted
-i, --import
Collect the followed files and form a enrolling request to shim. The files must be in DER format.
-d, --delete
Collect the followed files and form a deleting request to shim. The files must be in DER format.
Revoke the current import request (MokNew)
Revoke the current delete request (MokDel)
-x, --export
Export the keys stored in MokListRT
-p, --password
Setup the password for MokManager (MokPW)
-c, --clear-password
Clear the password for MokManager (MokPW)
Disable the validation process in shim
Enable the validation process in shim
Show SecureBoot State
-t, --test-key
Test if the key is enrolled or not
Reset MOK list
Generate the password hash
Use the password hash from a specific file
-P, --root-pw
Use the root password hash from /etc/shadow
-s, --simple-hash
Use the old SHA256 password hash method to hash the password
Note: --root-pw invalidates --simple-hash
Tell shim to not use the keys in db to verify EFI images
Tell shim to use the keys in db to verify EFI images (default)
-X, --mokx
Manipulate the MOK blacklist (MOKX) instead of the MOK list
-i, --import-hash
Create an enrolling request for the hash of a key in DER format. Note that this is not the password hash.
-d, --delete-hash
Create an deleting request for the hash of a key in DER format. Note that this is not the password hash.
Set the SHIM_VERBOSE to make shim more or less verbose
List the keys in the public Platform Key (PK)
List the keys in the Key Exchange Key Signature database (KEK)
List the keys in the secure boot signature store (db)
List the keys in the secure boot blacklist signature store (dbx)