lxc-ls (1) - Linux Manuals

lxc-ls: list the containers existing on the system


lxc-ls - list the containers existing on the system


lxc-ls [-1] [-P lxcpath] [--active] [--frozen] [--running] [--stopped] [-f] [-F format] [--nesting] [filter] [--version]


lxc-ls list the containers existing on the system.


Show one entry per line. (default when /dev/stdout isn't a tty)
[-P, --lxcpath]
Use an alternate container path. The default is /var/lib/lxc.
List only active containers (same as --frozen --running).
List only frozen containers.
List only running containers.
List only stopped containers.
[-f, --fancy]
Use a fancy, column-based output.
[-F, --fancy-format format]
Comma separated list of column to show in the fancy output. The list of accepted and default fields is listed in --help.
Show nested containers.
The filter passed to lxc-ls will be applied to the container name. The format is a regular expression.
Show the version number.


lxc-ls --fancy
list all the containers, listing one per line along with its name, state, ipv4 and ipv6 addresses.
lxc-ls --active -1
list active containers and display the list in one column.


Stéphane Graber <stgraber [at] ubuntu.com>