jobstats (1) - Linux Manuals

jobstats: print historic job information or timeline view


jobstats - print historic job information or timeline view


jobstats [-html] [-timeline] [-ntw] [-usage] [-available_slots s] [-start_jid jid] [-end_jid jid] [-owner opattern] [-name npatterm] [table_width w] [-nw w] [-nojoblist] [-tsort method] [file...]


jobstats can show both a table of historic job information and a timeline view of job execution depending on output format (text or HTML). For the timeline view, the job is placed as a colour block on a timeline, and with one line per job. The colour of the job encodes a failed job, a qrsh login, a serial job and a parallel job. The job name is displayed and optionally followed by the number of slots used in braces in the case where a parallel job was run.

Note that some information may not be valid if the job failed with certain error codes. If only a certain job range is chosen, then the text output will be sized for the longest job name encountered. Use the -nw option to get around this if the field is very wide.


-start_jid jid
Only start at job id jid. If jid is negative then start with this offset from the last job id in use (like tail -n).
-end_jid jid
End at job id jid.
-owner opattern
Only show output where the job owner matches the pattern. -name npattern Only show output where the job name matches the pattern.

Do not show the timing window (start and end times) for each job.
-tformat fmt
Set time format for timing windows. Can be one of:
epoch: use Unix epoch time fmt: Specify format string. -timeline Produce a table with job timeline info showing visually where jobs ran. This forces HTML output.
-tsort method
Define a method to sort the timeline:
jid: Sort by job id (default)
start: Sort by start time
-table_width w
Define width of timeline table as w pixels (default 1100)
-nw w

Limit the width of the job Name field in text output to w.
Do not produce job list. -html Produce HTML output. -usage Show how each job's slot usage aggregates. -available_slots s Set the number of slots s available to jobs.
Job accounting file. If no file is given then $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/accounting will be used.


  jobstats -start_jid 1070 sge_runs.acct
  jobstats -start_jid -10
  jobstats -html
  jobstats -timeline -start_jid 1080
  jobstats -tformat '%b_%e_%H:%M:%S'

