ibus-daemon (1) - Linux Manuals

ibus-daemon: daemon program for ibus


ibus-daemon - daemon program for ibus


ibus-daemon [OPTION]...


IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for Linux OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily.

ibus-daemon is a daemon program for ibus and it is also a start up program for users to activate ibus daemon, engines and panel.

Help Options:

-h, --help
Show help options

Application Options:

-d, --daemonize
run ibus as background process.
-s, --single
do not execute panel and config module.
-x, --xim
execute ibus XIM server.
-n, --desktop=name
specify the name of desktop session. [default=gnome]
-p, --panel=cmdline
specify the cmdline of panel program.
-c, --config=cmdline
specify the cmdline of config program.
-a, --address=address
specify the address of ibus daemon.
-r, --replace
if there is an old ibus-daemon is running, it will be replaced.
-t, --cache=mode [default is auto]
force to re-scan components, and re-create registry cache. auto, refresh, none is available.
-o, --timeout=timeout [default is 2000]
dbus reply timeout in milliseconds.
-v, --verbose


If you find a bug, please report it at https://github.com/ibus/ibus/issues

