grass-dbf (1) - Linux Manuals
Defining the DBF driver
The DBF driver is the default driver, in theory no user interaction is required. However, if the settings should be set back from a different to the DBF driver, the following step is required:# keep single quotes:
db.connect driver=dbf database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/'
db.connect -p
The dbf/ subdirectory in the mapset must exist or must be created by the user.
Creating a DBF table
Usually DBF tables are created by GRASS when generating a vector map with attributes (and using DBF as default attribute driver).If a DBF table has to be created manually, db.execute can be used or a spreadsheet application. Also db.copy is sometimes useful as well as to import external tables.
Supported SQL commands by DBF driver
Operators available in conditions
Last changed: $Date: 2007-07-18 16:10:27 +0200 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007) $
An error message such as:
DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected DESC, expecting NAME processing 'DESC'
indicates that a column name corresponds to a reserved SQL word (here: 'DESC').
A different column name should be used. If this happens during import with, the cnames parameter can be used to assign different
column names on the fly.
SQL support in GRASS GIS
DBF Specifications (Shapelib)
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