g_gyrate_d (1) - Linux Manuals

g_gyrate_d: calculates the radius of gyration


g_gyrate - calculates the radius of gyration



g_gyrate -f traj.xtc -s topol.tpr -n index.ndx -o gyrate.xvg -acf moi-acf.xvg -[no]h -nice int -b time -e time -dt time -[no]w -[no]xvgr -nmol int -[no]q -[no]p -[no]moi -nz int -acflen int -[no]normalize -P enum -fitfn enum -ncskip int -beginfit real -endfit real


g_gyrate computes the radius of gyration of a group of atoms and the radii of gyration about the x, y and z axes, as a function of time. The atoms are explicitly mass weighted.

With the -nmol option the radius of gyration will be calculated for multiple molecules by splitting the analysis group in equally sized parts.

With the option -nz 2D radii of gyration in the x-y plane of slices along the z-axis are calculated.


-f traj.xtc Input
 Trajectory: xtc trr trj gro g96 pdb cpt 

-s topol.tpr Input
 Structure+mass(db): tpr tpb tpa gro g96 pdb 

-n index.ndx Input, Opt.
 Index file 

-o gyrate.xvg Output
 xvgr/xmgr file 

-acf moi-acf.xvg Output, Opt.
 xvgr/xmgr file 


 Print help info and quit

-nice int 19
 Set the nicelevel

-b time 0
 First frame (ps) to read from trajectory

-e time 0
 Last frame (ps) to read from trajectory

-dt time 0
 Only use frame when t MOD dt first time (ps)

 View output xvg, xpm, eps and pdb files

 Add specific codes (legends etc.) in the output xvg files for the xmgrace program

-nmol int 1
 The number of molecules to analyze

 Use absolute value of the charge of an atom as weighting factor instead of mass

 Calculate the radii of gyration about the principal axes.

 Calculate the moments of inertia (defined by the principal axes).

-nz int 0
 Calculate the 2D radii of gyration of  slices along the z-axis

-acflen int -1
 Length of the ACF, default is half the number of frames

 Normalize ACF

-P enum 0
 Order of Legendre polynomial for ACF (0 indicates none):  0 1 2 or  3

-fitfn enum none
 Fit function:  none exp aexp exp_exp vac exp5 exp7 or  exp9

-ncskip int 0
 Skip N points in the output file of correlation functions

-beginfit real 0
 Time where to begin the exponential fit of the correlation function

-endfit real -1
 Time where to end the exponential fit of the correlation function, -1 is till the end



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