g_angle_d (1) - Linux Manuals
g_angle_d: calculates distributions and correlations for angles and dihedrals
g_angle - calculates distributions and correlations for angles and dihedralsSYNOPSIS
g_angle -f traj.xtc -n angle.ndx -od angdist.xvg -ov angaver.xvg -of dihfrac.xvg -ot dihtrans.xvg -oh trhisto.xvg -oc dihcorr.xvg -or traj.trr -[no]h -nice int -b time -e time -dt time -[no]w -[no]xvgr -type enum -[no]all -binwidth real -[no]periodic -[no]chandler -[no]avercorr -acflen int -[no]normalize -P enum -fitfn enum -ncskip int -beginfit real -endfit realDESCRIPTION
g_angle computes the angle distribution for a number of angles or dihedrals. This way you can check whether your simulation is correct. With option -ov you can plot the average angle of a group of angles as a function of time. With the -all option the first graph is the average, the rest are the individual angles.
With the -of option g_angle also calculates the fraction of trans dihedrals (only for dihedrals) as function of time, but this is probably only fun for a selected few.
With option -oc a dihedral correlation function is calculated.
It should be noted that the indexfile should contain atom-triples for angles or atom-quadruplets for dihedrals. If this is not the case, the program will crash.
With option -or a trajectory file is dumped containing cos andsin of selected dihedral angles which subsequently can be used as input for a PCA analysis using g_covar.
-f traj.xtc Input
-n angle.ndx
-od angdist.xvg
-ov angaver.xvg
Output, Opt.
-of dihfrac.xvg
Output, Opt.
-ot dihtrans.xvg
Output, Opt.
-oh trhisto.xvg
Output, Opt.
-oc dihcorr.xvg
Output, Opt.
-or traj.trr
Output, Opt.
-nice int 19
-b time 0
-e time 0
-dt time 0
-type enum angle
-binwidth real 1
-acflen int -1
-P enum 0
-fitfn enum none
-ncskip int 0
-beginfit real 0
-endfit real -1
- Counting transitions only works for dihedrals with multiplicity 3