eog (1) - Linux Manuals

eog: a GNOME image viewer


eog - a GNOME image viewer


eog [options] files...


An image viewer for GNOME which uses gdk_pixbuf


Usage: eog [OPTION...]

GNOME Options
  --disable-sound            Disable sound server usage
  --enable-sound             Enable sound server usage
  --espeaker=HOSTNAME:PORT   Host:port on which the sound
                             server to use is running

Help options
  -?, --help                 Show this help message
  --usage                    Display brief usage message

GTK options
  --gdk-debug=FLAGS          Gdk debugging flags to set
  --gdk-no-debug=FLAGS       Gdk debugging flags to unset
  --display=DISPLAY          X display to use
  --sync                     Make X calls synchronous
  --no-xshm                  Don't use X shared
                             memory extension
  --name=NAME                Program name as used by the
                             window manager
  --class=CLASS              Program class as used by the
                             window manager
  --gtk-debug=FLAGS          Gtk+ debugging flags to set
  --gtk-no-debug=FLAGS       Gtk+ debugging flags
                             to unset
  --g-fatal-warnings         Make all warnings fatal
  --gtk-module=MODULE        Load an additional
                             Gtk module

GNOME GUI options

Session management options
  --sm-client-id=ID          Specify session management ID
  --sm-config-prefix=PREFIX  Specify prefix of saved
  --sm-disable               Disable connection to
                             session manager


This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.

This manual page was written by Dan Nguyen <dnn [at] debian.org>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).