defaults (1) - Linux Manuals
defaults: read or modify GNUstep user defaults
defaults - read or modify GNUstep user defaultsSYNOPSIS
defaults [ action ]DESCRIPTION
The 'defaults' command lets you to read and modify a user's defaults.This program replaces the old NeXTstep style dread, dwrite, and dremove programs.
If you have access to another user's defaults database, you may include '-u username' before any other options to use that user's database rather than your own.
defaults read [ domain [ key] ]
- read the named default from the specified domain. If no 'key' is given - read all defaults from the domain. If no 'domain' is given - read all defaults from all domains. A domain is either an application name, or "NSGlobalDomain", for system level defauts. (Running programs can access two other domains, "NSArgumentDomain", for command line arguments, "NSRegistrationDomain", a second-chance domain in which "defaults for defaults" can be registered, and possibly domains for specific locales.)
defaults readkey key
- read the named default from all domains.
defaults write domain key value
- write 'value' as default 'key' in the specified domain. 'value' must be a property list in single quotes.
defaults write domain dictionary
- write 'dictionary' as a replacement for the specified domain. 'dictionary' must be a property list in single quotes.
defaults write
- reads standard input for defaults in the format produced by 'defaults read' and writes them to the database.
defaults delete [ domain [ key] ]
- remove the specified default(s) from the domain. If no 'key' is given - delete the entire domain.
defaults delete
- read standard input for a series of lines containing pairs of domains and keys for defaults to be deleted.
defaults domains
- lists the domains in the database (one per line)
defaults find word
- searches domain names, default names, and default value strings for those equal to the specified word and lists them on standard output.
defaults plist
- output some information about property lists
defaults help
list options for the defaults command.
- ~/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults
holds defaults for a user
Hopefully self-explanatory.
The 'defaults' command appeared in OpenStep and combined the capabilities of the earlier NeXTstep commands 'dread', 'dwrite', and 'dremove'.-
The GNUstep version was written in 1998.
This manual page first appeared in gnustep-base 1.9.2 (March 2004).
defaults was written by Richard Frith-Macdonald <rfm [at]>