cptsvg (1) - Linux Manuals

cptsvg: convert GMT colour palette tables (cpt) to SVG gradients.


cptsvg - convert GMT colour palette tables (cpt) to SVG gradients.


cptsvg [-g geometry] [-h] [-o file] [-p] [-v] [-V] [file]


The cptsvg utility converts the colour palette table (cpt) files used by GMT(1) to the gradients in the Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG) format.

The program will read from stdin if a file is not specified as the final argument, and write to stdout if the -o option is not specified.

The output is formatted for machines to read, rather than humans. A post-processor such as tidy(1) could be used in the latter case.


-g, --geometry widthxheight

Specify the size of the SVG preview in pixels.

-h, --help

Brief help.

-o, --output file

Write the output to file, rather than stdout.

-p, --preview

Include a preview in the SVG output. See also the --geometry option.

-v, --verbose

Verbose operation.

-V, --version

Version information.


Create a machine-readable SVG file:

  cptsvg -v -o new.svg old.cpt

Create a human-readable SVG file with a preview:

  cptsvg -p old.cpt | tidy -xml -indent -o new.svg


J.J. Green


GMT(1), tidy(1).