atomic-sign (1) - Linux Manuals

atomic-sign: Create a signature for an image


atomic-sign- Create a signature for an image


Only use atomic sign if you trust the remote registry which contains the image (preferably by being the only administrator of it).


atomic sign [-h|--help] [-d, --directory] [--sign-by] [-g, --gnupghome] [ image ... ]


atomic sign will create a local signature for one or more local images that have been pulled from a registry. By default, the signature will be written into a directory derived from the registry configuration files as configured by registry_confdir in /etc/atomic.conf.


-h --help
  Print usage statement.

-d --directory
  Store the signatures in the specified directory.  Default: /var/lib/atomic/signature

  Override the default identity of the signature. You can define a default in /etc/atomic.conf
  with the key default_signer.

-g --gnupghome
  Specify the GNUPGHOME directory to use for signing, e.g. ~/.gnupg. This
  argument will override the value of gnupg_homedir in /etc/atomic.conf.
  Defaults to the homedir or the uid defined in /proc/self/loginuid if it exists, or
  $SUDO_UID if it is defined, or current UID.


Sign the foobar image from

atomic sign

Sign the foobar image and save the signature in /tmp/signatures/.

atomic sign -d /tmp/signatures

Sign the busybox image with the identify of foo [at] with a user's keyring

sudo atomic sign --sign-by foo [at] --gnupghome=~/.gnupg


The write (and read) location for signatures is defined in YAML-based configuration files in /etc/containers/registries.d/. When you sign an image, atomic will use those configuration files to determine where to write the signature based on the the name of the originating registry or a default storage value unless overriden with the -d option. For example, consider the following configuration file.

 sigstore: file:///var/lib/atomic/signature

When signing an image preceeded with the registry name '', the signature will be written into subdirectories of /var/lib/atomic/signature/ The use of 'sigstore' also means the signature will be 'read' from that same location on a pull-related function.

You can also scope the registry definitions by repository and even name. Consider the following addition to the configuration above.
 sigstore-staging: file:///mnt/export/signatures
 sigstore:  <>

Now any image from the john repository will use the sigstore-staging location of means that signatures should be written to that location but read should occur from the http URL provided.

The user's keyring will be used during signing. When running as root user this may not be desired. Another keyring may be specified using environment variable GNUPGHOME, passed in via argument --gnupghome or set in configuration file atomic.conf. For example:

gnupg_homedir: /home/USER/.gnupg


Initial revision by Brent Baude (bbaude at redhat dot com) August 2016 Updated by Brent Baude (bbaude at redhat dot com) September 2016 Updated by Aaron Weitekamp (aweiteka at redhat dot com) September 2016