atomic-openshift-installer (1) - Linux Manuals
atomic-openshift-installer: Interactive OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) installer
atomic-openshift-installer - Interactive OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) installer
atomic-openshift-installer [OPTIONS] COMMAND [OPTS]
atomic-openshift-installer makes the process for installing OCP easier by interactively gathering the data needed to run on each host. It can also be run in unattended mode if provided with a configuration file.
The following options are common to all commands.
-u, --unattended
- Run installer in unattended mode. You will not be prompted to answer any questions.
-c, --configuration PATH
- Provide an alternate PATH to an installer.cfg.yml file.
-a DIRECTORY, --ansible-playbook-directory DIRECTORY
- Manually set the DIRECTORY in which to look for Ansible playbooks.
--ansible-log-path PATH
- Specify the PATH of the directory in which to save Ansible logs.
-v, --verbose
- Run the installer with more verbosity.
-d, --debug
- Enable installer debugging. Logs are saved in /tmp/installer.txt.
-h, --help
- Show the usage help and exit.
atomic-openshift-installer has three modes of operation:
- • install
- • uninstall
- • upgrade
- • scaleup
The options specific to each command are described in the following sections.
The install command will guide you through steps required to install an OCP cluster. After all of the required information has been collected (target hosts, storage options, high-availability), the installation will begin.
-f, --force
- Forces an installation. This means that hosts with existing installations will be reinstalled if required.
- Generate an Ansible inventory file and exit. The default location for the inventory file is ~/.config/openshift/hosts.
The uninstall command will uninstall OCP from your target hosts. This command has no additional options.
The upgrade command will upgrade a cluster of hosts to a newer version of OCP.
-l, --latest-minor
- Upgrade to the latest minor version. For example, if you are running version 3.2.1 then this could upgrade you to 3.2.2.
-n, --next-major
- Upgrade to the latest major version. For example, if you are running version 3.2 then this could upgrade you to 3.3.
The scaleup command is used to add new nodes to an existing cluster. This command has no additional options.
~/.config/openshift/installer.cfg.yml --- Installer configuration file. Can be used to generate an inventory later or start an unattended installation.
~/.config/openshift/hosts --- Generated Ansible inventory file. Used to run the Ansible playbooks for install, uninstall, and upgrades.
/tmp/ansible.log --- The default location of the ansible log file.
/tmp/installer.txt --- The location of the log file for debugging the installer.
Red Hat OpenShift Productization team
For a complete list of contributors, please visit the GitHub charts page.
Copyright © 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
atomic-openshift-installer is released under the terms of the ASL 2.0 license.
ansible(1), ansible-playbook(1)
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