We always welcome contributions!
If you have already registered, you can login by using the login link in the homepage and submit your articles.
Table of Contents
Types of posts on this website
What kinds of posts are welcomed and accepted
- Technical tutorials like posts, Example 1, Example 2. If there is not any
tags in the post (or similar tags in Markdown ), your posts will unlikely be published here. - Posts with technical insight. The keyword here is “technical”. A post listing known facts will unlikely be accepted.
What kinds of posts are not accepted
- Posts having plagiarism problems. We don’t publish posts that has verbatim copying, near-verbatim copying, or purposely paraphrasing portions of another article. If you have to quote another article, use the
HTML tags. Even if a post was published, if it is found having plagiarism problems later, the post may be removed. - Non-technical post, unless it is insightful and informative.
Register an account and submit articles
If you wish to write one or more articles, it is also a good idea to contact us to discuss your interests or send us a draft to give you quick feedback.
Step 1. Please contact us to create and activate your account.
Step 2. After registration, you can login by using the login link in the menu.
Step 3. After logging in, you can submit you article by using the “Posts” => “Add New” left side tool bar. After finish writing the article, submit your articles for review.
We will review your article and if its quality and theme match, we will make it online.
Formatting the posts
We have 2 kinds of syntax supported to edit/format your post:
Markdown. Text between
and [/md]
shortcodes is rendered as markdown text. Check “Use Markdown to write/format posts” for how to write posts in Markdown.
HTML. The default if the text is not marked “Markdown”.
Use Markdown to write/format posts
Mardown is supported to format your post. You can simply add [md] and [/md] between your text.
For example,
Welcome to [ST](https://www.systutorials.com/)!
echo “hello world!”
will be rendered as
Welcome to ST!
echo "hello world!"
Introduce yourself
After the registration, please go to your profile and change the “Display name publicly” and “Biographical Info”.
The “Display name publicly” will be displayed as the author name. “Biographical Info” will be the short bio after your posts. It can contain links to your website/blog/homepage. We understand that you want some “dofollow” links. Please add rel="follow"
to your links in your bio. But please keep the number of dofollow links within 2.
Current authors
Join the current authors to write systems tutorials on SysTutorials.
- Eric Ma (882)
- Q A (301)
- Weiwei Jia (69)
- David Yang (52)
- Ethan Ainsworth (23)
- Tony (22)
- jameswarner (6)
- Johnnymorgan (3)
- David Wong (3)
- Joseph Macwan (3)
- Ethan Millar (3)
- Daniel (3)
- Colin Cieloha (2)
- Aaron Jacobson (2)
- Maksym Korolov (2)
- James Clark (1)
- sameerkhurd (1)
- Thirumal Venkat (1)
- irfanahmedkhan (1)
- Anjaneyulu Naini (1)
- manchun (1)
Again, contributions are always welcome.