Configure sMobileNet of HKUST on Linux

Posted on In Linux

How to configure NetworkManager to connect to sMobileNet in HKUST is introduced in this post.

The wireless network connection configuration for sMobileNet in NetworkManager

The SSID is “sMobileNet”

Wireless security is “WPA & WPA2 Enterprise”

Authentication is “Protected EAP (PEAP)”

Anonymous identity is “” (empty)

CA certificate is “(None)” (there will be a warning appear, we can ignore it)

PEAP version is “Automatic”

Inner authentication is “MSCHAPv2”

Username is “”

Password is your password.

A sample security configuration

It works on most of systems that uses NetworkManager.

Update history:
Jan. 16, 2011. It works in Fedora 14. Update image.
Jun. 29, 2010. It works on Fedora 12 and other systems. The larger version of the image.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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