Comparing Paxos and Raft

Posted on In Computing systems, Systems, Systems 101, Tutorial

Paxos and Raft are both consensus algorithms used to ensure consistency in distributed systems. While they solve similar problems, they have different approaches and design philosophies.



  • Roles: Proposers, Acceptors, Learners.
  • Phases: Two main phases (Prepare/Promise and Propose/Accept).
  • Leader Election: Not explicitly defined, often implemented using Multi-Paxos to handle multiple proposals efficiently.
  • Use Cases: Widely used in academic research and some production systems, such as Google’s Chubby lock service.
  • Pros and Cons
    • Pros: Strong theoretical foundation, guarantees safety.
    • Cons: Complexity in implementation, can be inefficient without optimizations like Multi-Paxos.


  • Roles: Leader, Followers, Candidates.
  • Phases: Divided into leader election, log replication, and safety.
  • Leader Election: Explicitly defined, with a single leader managing log replication.
  • Use Cases: Popular in open-source projects like etcd and Consul due to its simplicity and clarity.
  • Pros and Cons
    • Pros: Easier to understand and implement, clear leader role, efficient for log replication.
    • Cons: Less flexible than Paxos in certain scenarios, primarily designed for state machine replication.

Message Complexity


  • Prepare Phase: O(N) messages are sent, where N is the number of acceptors. Each proposer sends a prepare request to all acceptors.
  • Accept Phase: O(N) messages are sent again. If a majority responds with a promise, the proposer sends an accept request.
  • Total: O(N) messages for each phase, leading to O(2N) messages per consensus round.


  • Leader Election: O(N) messages are sent during the election process. Each candidate requests votes from all other nodes.
  • Log Replication: O(N) messages for each entry that needs to be replicated. The leader sends log entries to all followers.
  • Total: O(N) messages for leader election and log replication, with continuous log entries being replicated efficiently while a leader is active.

Time Complexity


  • Latency: Typically involves two round-trip times (RTTs) to achieve consensus: one for the prepare phase and one for the accept phase.
  • Leader Election: In Multi-Paxos, once a leader is elected, it reduces the number of phases needed for subsequent proposals, which improves efficiency.


  • Latency: Typically involves one RTT for leader election and one RTT for log replication, making it efficient when a leader is stable.
  • Log Replication: Efficiently handled by the leader, reducing overhead and latency for subsequent entries.

Key Differences

  • Understandability: Raft is explicitly designed to be more understandable than Paxos, making it easier for developers to implement correctly.
  • Leader Role: Raft has a clear leader-based architecture, which simplifies the consensus process. Paxos does not initially specify a leader, leading to more complex implementations.
  • Performance: Raft’s leader-based approach allows for efficient log replication, making it suitable for systems requiring high throughput.
  • Flexibility: Paxos can be more flexible in certain scenarios, especially with complex failure scenarios, due to its generalized approach.

Both Paxos and Raft are powerful consensus algorithms, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Paxos is known for its theoretical robustness, while Raft is favored for its simplicity and ease of implementation. The choice between them often depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the system being designed.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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