How to view the DVI files generated by latex on Linux? It seems evinece can not open it. After install the evince-dvi package, evince should be able to view dvi files: # yum install evince-dvi
Category: Tutorial
How to set the data replication factor of Hadoop HDFS?
Posted onHow to set the data replication factor of Hadoop HDFS in Hadoop 2 (YARN)? The default replication factor in HDFS is controlled by the dfs.replication property. The value is 3 by default. To change the replication factor, you can add a dfs.replication property settings in the hdfs-site.xml configuration file of Hadoop: <property> <name>dfs.replication</name> <value>1</value> <description>Replication
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Maximum size of S3 objects?
Posted onWhat is the maximum size of objects that I can store on Amazon S3? Now (Apr. of 2014), the limitation is 4TB. Before, Dec. 2010, it was 5GB. Reference: But be aware that the 10,000 part limit still applies.
How to set up the Java environment in Linux?
Posted onI am using Fedora 20. I installed the rpm from Oracle for the Oracle JDK. How to set up the environment so that the Java environment is Oracle JDK instead of the OpenJDK? The Oracle JDK is install to /usr/java/ directory. On my Fedora 20, it looks like this: $ ls /usr/java -l total 4
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How to improve MPlayer video quality?
Posted onHow to improve MPlayer video quality by selecting a “better” video rendering/filter? You can choose a different video filter. I use hqdn3d which gives me the best quality. Be careful on machines with low CPUs. To use hqdn3d, put this line into your ~/.mplayer/config: vf=hqdn3d Check more options of video filters in MPlayer manual.
How to balance the two columns of text on the last page of a Latex doc?
Posted onHow to balance the two columns of text on the last page of a Latex doc? 2 good Latex packages are good at balancing the two columns of text on the last page of a Latex doc (choose either one that are good for you). balance Usage: At the beginning of the doc: usepackage{balance} At
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How to force MPlayer to start a video at the center of the screen?
Posted onHow to force MPlayer to start a video at the center of the screen? I assume you are using Linux. Put this line into your ~/.mplayer/config: geometry=50%:50% Check more options in MPlayer manual.
How to change the mode for simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese mode in ibus-libpinyin?
Posted onHow to change the mode for simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese mode in ibus-libpinyin? What is the shortcut like “Ctrl+.” for switching full width or half width punctuation. Use shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + F”. In ibus-pinyin version 1.3.7, this shortcut is added: 2010-05-28 ibus-pinyin 1.3.7 stable release Add Ctrl + Shift + F to
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How to improve ssh/scp performance on Linux?
Posted onssh/scp are convenient and handy tools on Linux. Is is possible to further improve its speed/performance? Please check this post for how to improve ssh/scp performance:
Direct multi-hop ssh connection
Posted onHow to use multi-hop ssh connection without needs to ssh multiple times? As a example, you are connecting to through from as follows: laptop —-> proxy —-> server 2 possible methods: Method 1: Use the similar method as in Directly SSH to hosts using internal IPs through the gateway. Add this to
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Hadoop 2 (YARN) default configuration values
Posted onWhere to check the default Hadoop 2 (YARN) configuration values for: HDFS: hdfs-site.xml YARN: yarn-site.xml MapReduce: mapred-site.xml Default Hadoop 2 (YARN) configuration values for Hadoop 2.2.0 from Apache Hadoop website: HDFS: YARN: MapReduce:
Good introductions to Hadoop 2.0 (YARN)?
Posted onWhich ones are recommended introductions to Hadoop 2.0 (YARN)? Pointers to webpages are good. Those are good ones that I find: The SoCC13 paper “Apache Hadoop YARN: Yet Another Resource Negotiator” by Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli et al.: The introduction from Hortonworks by Arun Murthy: The “Official” one from Apache Hadoop website (very brief):
How to convert a latex document with figures to a HTML file?
Posted onHow to convert a latex document with figures to a HTML file? htlatex (On Fedora, it is in the package texlive-tex4ht) can generate the html from a latex doc better than latex2html. From my experience, it can produce a better html file.
How to map Win key to Ctrl on Linux?
Posted onHow to map the Win key to another Ctrl on Linux? You can set it in gnome-tweak-tool in Gnome 3 by setting the “Alt/Win key behavior”:
Add header footer in directory listing in Apache (httpd)
Posted onHow to add header footer in directory listing in Apache (httpd)? In the web directory’s .htaccess file: Options +Indexes IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort NameWidth=* HTMLTable Charset=UTF-8 HeaderName /header.html ReadmeName /footer.html IndexIgnore header.html footer.html .htaccess header.html and footer.html are under the website root directory (not the Linux root).
How to rearrange Alt, Ctrl and Win keys on Linux: Win as Alt and Ctrl/Alt as Ctrl
Posted onHow to rearrange Alt, Ctrl and Win keys on Linux: Win as Alt and Ctrl/Alt as Ctrl? On Linux, the Win key is seldom used. Mapping the Alt keys which are close to my thumb is damn convenient for Emacs users. Hence, the keyboard at the bottom line would look like: ———————————————————— |Ctrl|Alt|Ctrl| Space Bar
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How to reset the keyboard set by xmodmap on Linux?
Posted onHow to reset the keyboard set by xmodmap on Linux? You can reset your keyboard settings by: setxkbmap or setxkbmap -option depending on the way the keyboard was set by xmodmap.
Classpath for compiling MapReduce jobs on Hadoop 2.2.0
Posted onHow to get the correct classpath for compiling MapReduce jobs on Hadoop 2.2.0 (YARN)? The yarn command from Hadoop 2 can find it out for you: yarn classpath You may add the full path to yarn which is under bin directory of the Hadoop distribution pachage, if it is not in your $PATH.
How to split a text file by lines on Linux?
Posted onHow to split a text file by lines on Linux? For example, to split a file content.txt into many files and each split contains 1024 lines. You can use the split command on Linux: split -l 1024 content.txt splitted-content.txt- It will generate splitted-content.txt-{aa,ab,….}
How to turn the space bar to another ctrl key?
Posted onHow to turn the space bar to another ctrl key? It will be dam useful especially for Emacs users and also useful for normal usage like for tab changing in Chrome or Gnome terminal. You may try 2 tools in userspace: Space2Ctrl: xcape: Note that the limitation of these solutions: the space will
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