Setting Up Xen Dom0 on Fedora : Xen 3.4.1 with Linux Kernel 2.6.29 on Fedora 12

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Please refer to for the latest stable Xen Dom0 solution. In this post, the detailed tutorial for setting up Xen 3.4.1 dom0 on top of Fedora 12 with kernel 2.6.29 will be introduced. Hardware: Dom0 hardware platform: Motherboard: INTEL S5500BC S5500 Quad Core Xeon Server Board CPU: 2 x Intel Quad Core Xeon E5520 2.26G
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How to Backup Linux Home Directories Using rsync

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I need to backup my Linux home directory to one of my portable hard disk. I tried to use git, but failed since git doesn’t support large file (I failed after many tries, I have file larger than 5G). I find rsync, the fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool and I am happy with
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Speeding Up Firefox in Linux

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Firefox can be much faster on Linux! Let’s speed up Firefox on Linux system. Part 1 and 2 only config firefox, so it can also be used on other platform such as Windows. 1. Pipe-lining network connection Most of us use a broad band width network, then why not pip line the connection from Firefox?
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How to Capture Desktop Video on Linux using ffmpeg

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ffmpeg is a powerful tool and it can do the work of capturing Linux desktop video very well. ffmpeg is a very fast video and audio converter that can also grab from a live audio/video source. ffmpeg can grab X11 input and create a video file such as mp4 at specific fps with the specific
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How to Set Up Password-less SSH Login on Linux

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Automatic passwrod-less ssh login can make our life easier. To enable this, we have 2 options: using key-based authentication by copying our SSH public keys to the remote machines for automatic password-less login or using password-based authentication. I will introduce the 2 options in the post. Before you start, please note that key-based authentication is
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Mounting Remote Folder Through SSH

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SSH is a very convenient tool on Linux that can be used to [[port-forwarding-using-ssh-tunnel]], [[proxy-using-ssh-tunnel]] and others besides its basic functions (remote shell). We can also use SSH to mount a remote folder to a local directory. We can use `sshfs` to mount remote folder through SSH tunnel securely over network. Install sshfs Install `sshfs`
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Installing akmod NVIDIA Driver on Fedora

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Installing akmod NVIDIA driver from rpmfusion on Fedora 12. First make sure your nvidia card is in “Supported NVIDIA GPU Products List”: Click here for the list 1. Add rpmfusion repository: Enable RPM Fusion repositories 2. Install akmod nvidia driver akmod builds the required kmod on bootup # yum install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 3. Add nouveau
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How to Install MPlayer and MEncoder on Fedora

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Fedora does not include MPlayer or MEncoder for some reasons in its official repositories. But RPMfusion does it for us. Let’s install mplayer and mencoder and learn some tricks to play rmvb files. 1. Add RPMfusion repository: Enable RPM Fusion repositories 2. Install MPlayer and MEncoder # dnf install mplayer mencoder 3. Get codecs Most
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Sending Email Using mailx/s-nail in Linux Through Gmail SMTP

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The heirloom mailx (or s-nail if you are using Ubuntu 18 or later or similar releases) command in Linux is still providing service for guys like me, especially when we need to send email automatically by script. Gmail is great. Now, how to use gmail’s smtp in mailx/mail? gmail is a little special since gmail’s
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Setting Up Linux Network Gateway Using iptables and route

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Sharing the networking is important and setting up a gateway is a good solution to it. Building up the gateway on a Linux box is easy, cost efficient and reliable. With a Linux box, you can share the internet connection or the only cable connected to the network. The Linux box network configuration The Linux
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Guake: An Excellent Quake Like Drop-down Terminal for Gnome

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Guake is very fast and stable enough for use. It’s an excellent quqke like drop-down terminal for gnome. I used yakuake on KDE. It’s professional but a bit slow. I used tilda also on gnome. But unfortunately, there are too many bugs. Then after I find Guake, I am happy. Guake is invoked with a
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How to Control or Disable SELinux in Fedora and CentOS Linux

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For most of cases, you should not disable SELinux. However, for some users, SELinux may cause problems or is not needed. We may just make it not block operations or totally disable it. Making SELinux log warnings instead of blocking For many cases, people find SELinux blocks operations. For tests or some other situations, you
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How to Set Up Socks Proxy Using SSH Tunnel

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We can set up a socks proxy on top of a SSH tunnel. Besides the common proxy functions, such as web browsing, the proxy on top of SSH tunnel also ensures the security between the browser and the proxy server (the SSH server). In this post, we introduce and explain how to set up a
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lftp Disable SSL

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lftp some times stalls with message “Making data connection” when “ls” the directory after logged in the ftp site. The message may appear like this: < — 227 Entering Passive Mode (xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx) —- Connecting data socket to (yy,yy,yy,yy) port zz `ls’ at 0 [Making data connection…] But some client such as filezilla may works on
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How to Remote Control Linux Server Using VNC through SSH Tunnel

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Sometimes we need to have the GUI of some application on the remote server. ssh’s X11 forwarding with “-X” parameter is a good and fast method. But if we want to have a whole desktop environment, vnc is a good choice. In this post, the method of how to control remote server using vnc through
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Mostly Used MPlayer Keyboard Control Shortcuts

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MPlayer has a fully configurable, command-driven control layer which allows you to control MPlayer using keyboard. But which are these shortcuts are not immediately know to users of MPlayer. Below is a list of mostly used MPlayer keyboard control shortcuts. They come from the [[man:1|mplayer|mplayer manual]] where you can find a full list of all
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How to Flush DNS Cache of Linux and Windows Client

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We may need to flush DNS cache of our client when the site’s DNS has been changed. Flush DNS cache of Linux with NetworkManager/dnsmasq You may simply restart NetworkManager by sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager Flush DNS Cache on (Old) Linux with nscd 1) Use su – to get root privilege or sudo with the following
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