Question: how to find the disk where the Linux’s root(/) is on in Bash? The root may be on a LVM volume or on a raw disk. 2 cases: One example: # df -hT | grep /$ /dev/sda4 ext4 48G 32G 14G 71% / For another example: # df -hT | grep /$ /dev/mapper/fedora-root ext4
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Author: Eric Ma
Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.How to set Zimbra web service’s hostname and port?
Posted onIn Zimbra server, how to set Zimbra web service’s hostname and port? Set Zimbra Web service’s host and port (to as an example) for a mail domain zmprov md zimbraPublicServiceHostname zmprov md zimbraPublicServicePort 80 Reference:,_the_’change_password’_box_doesn’t_load
How to get the version of Zimbra?
Posted onHow to get the version of Zimbra I am using in a Zimbra server? In Zimbra, to get the version of Zimbra you are using, you can call zmcontrol -v: $ zmcontrol -v Release 7.2.6_GA_2926.F13_64_20131203115902 F13_64 FOSS edition.
How to split a string by string in Bash?
Posted onHow to split a string by string in Bash? For example, “a string separated by space” => [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “space”] and “a,string,separated,by,comma” => [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “comma”] You can convert a string to an array using the grammar like inarr=(${a}) If the delimiter is not space and delimiter is a single character
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Getting Hostname in Bash in Linux in 3 Ways
Posted onGetting the hostname of the node running a program can be useful in various scenarios, such as creating logs with the hostname, identifying which node a script is running on, or configuring a distributed system with different nodes. In Bash, there are several ways to retrieve the hostname of the machine, as mentioned in the
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How to get the epoch timestamp in Go lang?
Posted onIn Go lang, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In Go, you can use the time.Now() func to get current time and its Unix() func to convert it into an epoch timestamp: import(“time”) func getEpochTime() int64 { return time.Now().Unix() } If you would convert a time string
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How to make sort using multiple threads to run faster?
Posted onsort supports –parallel N to run N thread. However, it seems it only uses around 100% CPU as I observed although the command specified that N threads can be used. The command is as follows cat large-file | sort –parallel `nproc` where I have 16 from nproc. How to make sort use multiple threads to
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Any good Go REPL implementation / tool?
Posted onGo lang is fast to compile and can be used as a script by go run prog.go. However, a REPL is more convenient for testing/trying some small pieces of code. Any good Go REPL implementation / tool? Try gore Get gore $ go get -u An example $ gore gore version 0.2.6 :help
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How to convert svg to png in Linux?
Posted onHow to convert a svg image file to a high-quality png file in Linux? inkscape works great with vector images (better than ImageMagikk’s convert). Try this command to convert in.svg to a 1000×1000 png image: inkscape -z -e out.png -w 1000 -h 1000 in.svg
How to effectively disable a Linux user account?
Posted onNot yet to totally delete the Linux user account, but how to effectively disable a Linux user account? That is, disable a user account while keep all its files/configurations. Later, if it is needed, so that I can enable it again. To effectively disable a Linux user account so that it can’t login using its
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how to get the size of python file without using the os namespace
Posted oni need to create a program which is taking information from printer , so that i cannot use os namespace , so there is any way without using the os namespace You may use a way as follows. open the file seek to the end tell its position which is the file size An example
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How to convert a byte[] to io.Reader in Go?
Posted onHow to convert a byte[] to io.Reader in Go directly? You can use the NewReader() func from the bytes package of Go to convert bytes to io.Reader. For example, reader := bytes.NewReader(thebytes)
How to read the whole file content into a string in Go?
Posted onHow to read the whole file content into a string in Go? You can use the ReadFile() func from the io/ioutil package in Go to read the whole file content: func ReadFile(filename string) ([]byte, error) For example, read file filepath content and check the error: if bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath); err != nil { log.Fatal(“Failed
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How to install encfs on CentOS 6?
Posted onI noticed your answer on configuring encfs on CentOS 6. I had difficulties installing encfs on CentOS 6. How did you install it? Thanks. For CentOS 6, I used a slightly old version (version 1.7.4) using an RPM built for by PUIAS: For x86-64 version: # yum install For i686 version: # yum install
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How to install Tex Live on CentOS 7 Linux?
Posted onThe LaTex packages in CentOS 7 Linux is not sufficient enough. I would like to Install Tex Live such as Tex Live 2016. How could I install it on CentOS 7? The best way I found is to use the texlive offical installation tool to install the full packages for texlive 2016. It will take
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How to install dia on CentOS 7 Linux?
Posted onDia seems not available in the official repository of CentOS 7. How to install dia on CentOS 7 Linux? You can find built dia packages in some additional repositories for CentOS. First, enable EPEL following this link. Second, enable Nux Desktop following this link. Then, you can install dia by # yum install dia
encfs on CentOS 6 can’t mount as normal user
Posted onOn CentOS 7, using a normal user, encfs works just well. On CentOS 6, using the root user, encfs works. However, the problem is, on CentOS 6, using a normal user account, encfs does not work as on CentOS 7. $ encfs -s ~/t/.enc ~/t/enc EncFS Password: fuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied fuse
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How to remove the bottom panel in gnome 3 classic?
Posted onThe gnome 3 classic’s bottom panel looks not useful to me. I do not use it. How to remove the bottom panel in gnome 3 classic? That bottom panel is from the “Window List” plugin. The gnome 3 classic package depends on that plugin package on CentOS 7 as far as I checked. And Gnome
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How to save the output of screen windows to a file on Linux?
Posted onIn the screen, copying the history of the window output is quite hard. How to save the screen easily to a file? First type Ctrl + A then : to get to command mode. In the command mode, execute hardcopy -h /path/to/file screen will save the window output to /path/to/file.
How to make output jpeg file of xsane smaller on Linux?
Posted onxsane’s output jpeg file is large (10+MB). But we usually do not need it to make a so big jpeg file. Some compression (even lossy) will be good. How to make output jpeg file of xsane smaller on Linux? You can adjust the output file size by changing the compression levels and quality. Through the
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