Floating Point in Bash Shell

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Integers are natively supported in Bash shell. However, what if we use floating point in Bash shell? The short and direct answer is using ‘bc‘ command – “An arbitrary precision calculator language.” Just run bc  and enter some floating point calculation expression, such as “1.2+8.2”, bc will give the result. In a script, we certainly
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GNU C Reference Manual

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When we program in C, a C reference by hand is usually useful. The GNU C Reference Manual provides us a good reference for the C programming language implemented by the GNU C Compiler. “This manual is strictly a reference, not a tutorial. Its aim is to cover every linguistic construct in GNU C.” GNU
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Inline Assembly with GCC on Linux

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One cool feature of gcc is that it can inline assembly into C code. With inline assembly, the programmer can precisely control the execution of the processor, such as forcing variables to use registers, getting special processor state efficiently, and writing critical efficient code in assembly by hand. I compile a list of tutorials from
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x86-64 ISA / Assembly Programming References

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This post collect the reference resource for x86-64 (also know as Intel 64, AMD 64) ISA / assembly language programming. x86-64 is a 64-bit extension of the Intel x86 instruction set. ==x86-64 Assembly Programming== Introduction to Computer Systems Resources (15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems Resources from CMU) Lots materials for learning machine-level programming on the
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GNU glibc Manual

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“The C language provides no built-in facilities for performing such common operations as input/output, memory management, string manipulation, and the like. Instead, these facilities are defined in a standard library, which you compile and link with your programs. The GNU C library, described in this document, defines all of the library functions that are specified
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fclose – Close a Stream

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fclose is a frequently used C standard library which closes the file associated with the stream and disassociates it. NAME fclose – close a stream SYNOPSIS #include <stdio.h> int fclose(FILE *fp); DESCRIPTION The fclose() function will flushes the stream pointed to by fp (writing any buffered output data using fflush()) and closes the underlying file
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COM Port Programming in Win32

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The control support for the COM port under Win32 can be used to operate the COM port, such as a monitoring and control program for a single-chip microcontroller. Below is an example code related to COM port control: // Open COM1 hCOM=CreateFile( “COM1″,GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL); if (hCOM==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MessageBox( GetForegroundWindow(),”Can not open the COM port!”,”Operation Failed”,MB_ICONINFORMATION); return;
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How to Generate Mixed Source and Assembly List from Source Code using GCC

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When debugging and optimizing programs, developers sometimes need to generate and investigate into the assembly generated by the compiler. Generating a mixed source and assembly list will help a lot for debugging and optimization. gcc can achieve this by working with the assembler. Generate assembly list mixed with the source code Just add these gcc
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SetProxy: 一个设置IE代理的命令行小工具

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IE的代理设置用起来并不方便,我自己而言就要经常更改代理服务器,相信很多人有跟我相同的需要。使用C++编写了一个小程序SetProxy调用Win32 API来设置代理服务器IP,用起来方便多了。 编译后为一个可运行console程序,将它放在\windows\system32目录下,使用时只要运行 SetProxy IP:port 就可以把IP设置好,如果要关闭代理,只需运行 SetProxy “” 命令行中运行,界面较土,但用着方便。可以考虑设置几个快捷方式在桌面或者工具栏,点击即设置代理,其它方式发挥想象。 程序下载地址. 源代码也放在这里,希望有需要的人可以用得上 ;) 源代码下载地址. 这是一份有些年头的代码, 如果你在较新的编译器下编译这个项目, 请先做[[setproxy-一个设置ie代理的小工具#comment-995|这里所述的小修改]]. — Eric on Apr. 9, 2014.

OCaml Learning Materials

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OCaml is an interesting functional language. There are lots learning materials on the Internet. I compile a list of resources for OCaml learning and reference. Recommended OCaml learning and reference material Online book of Real World OCaml by Yaron Minsky, Anil Madhavapeddy, Jason Hickey. A very good tutorial by Jason Hickey: http://www.cs.caltech.edu/courses/cs134/cs134b/book.pdf. The OCaml system
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全文介绍如何使用MFC在一对话框中嵌入另一对话框. 代码如下: static MyInDlg inDlg; // 需嵌入的对话框 inDlg.Create( IDD_DIALOG, AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd); CRect rc; // 嵌入对话框在原对话框中的位置 //GetClientRect(&rc); rc.left = 150; rc.top = 0; rc.bottom = 200; rc.right = 350; inDlg.MoveWindow( rc ); // 设置位置 inDlg.ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); // 将对话框显示出来 对嵌入对话框设置如下: Style: Child Border: none


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在某些情况下我们需要防止用户单击窗口的标题栏中的关闭按钮关闭 MFC 应用程序。可以删除窗口的WS_SYSMENU 样式, 但是,这样最大化最小化和还原按钮也被删除,并且无法添加。 这是Windows的设计依据。 可以通过禁用关闭按钮来模拟没有关闭按钮的窗口。 在 WM_CREATE 消息处理程序中禁用关闭按钮。使用下面的代码: CMenu *pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE); ASSERT(pSysMenu != NULL); VERIFY(pSysMenu->RemoveMenu(SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND)); 这样删除之后关闭按钮变为灰色,用户无法点击。但是使用Alt+F4仍然可以关闭程序。要将此功能也禁用需要重载CDialog的OnSysCommand方法。代码如下: void MyDlg::OnSysCommand( UINT nID, LPARAM lParam ) { if ( ( nID & 0xFFF0 ) == IDM_ABOUTBOX ) { CAboutDlg dlgAbout; //if you have an about dialog dlgAbout.DoModal(); } //add the following code else if
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