A Comprehensive Guide to PGP: Technical Deep Dive

Posted on In Systems, Systems 101, Tutorial

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a robust encryption program that ensures privacy and authentication for data communication. Developed by Phil Zimmermann in 1991, it’s widely used for securing emails, files, and directories. This article explores the technical details of PGP, including its algorithms, key management, and detailed processes for encryption, decryption, and signing.

Cryptographic Foundations of PGP

PGP employs a combination of cryptographic techniques, combining the features of both private and public cryptosystems

Symmetric-Key Cryptography

  • Functionality: Uses a single key for both encryption and decryption. The session keys in PGP are symmetric keys.
  • Algorithms: Common algorithms include AES, Triple DES, and CAST5.
  • Purpose: Efficient for encrypting large amounts of data, because of its computational efficiency.

Asymmetric-Key Cryptography

  • Functionality: Involves a pair of keys – a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The users’ keys are asemmetric keys.
  • Algorithms: Utilizes RSA, DSA, or ElGamal.
  • Purpose: Mainly used for encrypting session keys and digital signatures, because of the high computational cost.

Hash Functions

  • Functionality: Creates a fixed-size hash of the message.
  • Algorithms: SHA-1 and SHA-256 are commonly used.
  • Purpose: Ensures message integrity and is integral to digital signatures.

Detailed PGP Processes

Suppose that Alice wishes to send Bob a confidential message, such as an email, using the PGP protocol. A process will be as follows from boths sides.

Alice to encrypt and sign the message

  1. Compression:
    • Input: Plaintext document D.
    • Process: Compress D to reduce size and eliminate patterns.
    • Output: Compressed document C.
  2. Session Key Generation:
    • Input: User interactions (mouse movements, keyboard strokes).
    • Process: Use randomness from interactions with a probabilistic primality tester.
    • Output: Session-specific symmetric key Ks;
  3. Document Encryption:
    • Input: Compressed document C, session key Ks.
    • Process: Encrypt C using Ks with the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA).
    • Output: Encrypted document E.
  4. Signature Generation:
    • Input: Compressed document C.
    • Process: Generate a hash H of C and sign it using Alice’s private key.
    • Output: Signed hash S.
  5. Session Key Encryption:
    • Input: Session key Ks, Bob’s public key Kpub.
    • Process: Encrypt Ks using Kpub with the assymetric key encryption algorithym.
    • Output: Encrypted session key Kenc.
  6. Assembly:
    • Input: Encrypted document E, encrypted session key Kenc, signed hash S.
    • Process: Append Kenc and S to E.
    • Output: Final message M.
  7. Transmission:
    • Process: Send M to Bob.

Bob to decrypt and verify the message

  1. Session Key Decryption:
    • Input: Encrypted session key Kenc, Bob’s private key Kpriv.
    • Process: Decrypt Kenc using Kpriv.
    • Output: Session key Ks.
  2. Document Decryption:
    • Input: Encrypted document E, session key Ks.
    • Process: Decrypt E using Ks with IDEA.
    • Output: Compressed document C.
  3. Signature Verification:
    • Input: Signed hash S, Alice’s public key Kpub(Alice).
    • Process: Verify S using Alice’s public key Kpub(Alice).
    • Output: Confirmation of authenticity.

Considerations in the process

  • Encrypting a document with a session key and encrypting the session key with a public key: allows the protocol to avoid much of the computation cost associated with encrypting and decrypting long messages with assemetric keys. Private-key cryptosystems like IDEA are much more time-efficientin this regard.
  • Random key generation: prevents the same key from being used by multiple users, making it extremely unlikely for two PGP-encrypted message to use the same encryption key.
  • With a signature for the message sent: provides authenticity validation by the receiver.

Key Management and Security

The assemtric keys’ public keys shall be distributed to receivers and senders, and private keys shall be secured managed by owners.

  • Key Rings
    • Public Key Ring: Stores known public keys.
    • Private Key Ring: Holds the user’s private keys.
  • Key Signing and Trust
    • PGP uses a decentralized trust model known as the “Web of Trust.”
    • Users sign others’ public keys to establish authenticity.
    • Trust levels are assigned based on the web of signatures.
  • Passphrase Protection
    • Private keys are secured with passphrases to prevent unauthorized access.

Open source implementations

  • GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG), a popular choice for secure communication. OpenPGP encryption and signing tool gpg2 support modern algorithms.


PGP is a sophisticated tool for secure communication, combining symmetric and asymmetric encryption with digital signatures and a decentralized trust model. By understanding its processes and security mechanisms, users can effectively protect their communications in an interconnected world. The enduring legacy of PGP is its influence on privacy and security protocols, empowering protection of communications from unauthorized accesses and surveillances.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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