Moved back to WordPress from MediaWiki

Posted on In Web

WordPress is so missed for many great features and plugins. Hence, we moved the site back to the WordPress system on Jul. 12, 2013. MediaWiki is great but, for this site, WordPress is a better solution.

The so missed features of WordPress

  • Related posts via the YARPP Plugin.
  • URLs without strongly mapped to the title using ‘-‘ with small letters instead of ‘_’ with the exact characters in the title.
  • Comment system well integrated with disqus. Better for SEO.
  • Automatic URL to post mapping search.
  • A little more lightweight.
  • Faster and better caching system via the WP Super Cache plugin.

Some features of MediaWiki that I miss but find replacements

  • Better syntax for editor — Use the markdown support or BBCode support.
  • History. Partially supported through the WordPress revision history.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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