Conference Ranking by Average Number of Citations in the Last 5 Years, 2012

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I am trying to find out the top conferences that have the largest average number of citations in the last 5 years on the Internet but fail to find one. However, there are many rankings about the overall citations and numbers of publications. Hence, it is not hard to calculate the average number of citations by ourselves and check which conferences rank most.

I first choose the 300 conferences that are most cited and then rank them by the average number of citations. There are 30 conferences with 10+ average citations. The following table lists the 30 conferences.

Conference ranking by average number of citations in the last 5 years, 2012
Rank Conference # paper # citation # citation/paper
1 The Adaptive Web 23 856 37.2174
2 SOSP – ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 48 1619 33.7292
3 ISCA – International Symposium on Computer Architecture 180 4081 22.6722
4 NDSS – Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 67 1294 19.3134
5 SIGCOMM – ACM SIGCOMM Conference 318 5582 17.5535
6 PLDI – SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation 206 3484 16.9126
7 NSDI – Networked Systems Design and Implementation 161 2617 16.2547
8 VLDB – Very Large Data Bases 182 2745 15.0824
9 S&P – IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 157 2325 14.8089
10 OSDI – Operating Systems Design and Implementation 67 939 14.0149
11 IMC – Internet Measurement Conference 159 2220 13.9623
12 MobiSys – International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services 136 1895 13.9338
13 EUROSYS – EuroSys Conference 145 2017 13.9103
14 STOC – ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing 284 3743 13.1796
15 MobiHoc – Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing 195 2490 12.7692
16 MICRO – International Symposium on Microarchitecture 135 1649 12.2148
17 ICCV – International Conference on Computer Vision 731 8754 11.9754
18 EUROCRYPT – Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques 168 2007 11.9464
19 ISMB – Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology 121 1418 11.7190
20 VEE – International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments 69 801 11.6087
21 USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies 111 1267 11.4144
22 POPL – ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages 243 2765 11.3786
23 USENIX – USENIX Technical Conference 118 1332 11.2881
24 MOBICOM – Mobile Computing and Networking 377 4112 10.9072
25 PODS – Symposium on Principles of Database Systems 125 1356 10.8480
26 CRYPTO – International Crytology Conference 150 1594 10.6267
27 USENIX Security Symposium 130 1345 10.3462
28 SIGMOD – International Conference on Management of Data 589 6016 10.2139
29 HPCA – International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture 200 2033 10.1650
30 ASPLOS – Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems 164 1664 10.1463

I marked the conferences that I am familiar with—SOSP, NSDI, OSDI, EuroSys, VEE and USENIX ATC. These conferences are indeed very good ones in the cloud computing system research area.

I also attached a PDF file that contains all the 300 conferences that I examine. Download the PDF.

Claim: This “ranking” is for my personal entertainment only and the ranking/numbers here are from the Internet and are not guaranteed to be accurate or correct. Hence, no one should consider this as a serious ranking of the conferences.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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