Linux Kernel 4.14.223 Release

Posted on In Linux, Linux Kernel

This post summarizes Linux Kernel new features, bugfixes and changes in Linux 4.14.223 Release. Linux 4.14.223 Release contains 176 changes, patches or new features.

In total, there are 277,921 lines of Linux source code changed/added in Linux 4.14.223 release compared to Linux 4.14 release. To view the source code of Linux 4.14.223 kernel release online, please check the linux-stable tree for Linux 4.14.223. If you would like to download the release package for Linux 4.14.223, please click: Linux 4.14.223. To download the patchset for Linux 4.14.223 release, please click: Linux 4.14.223 patch.

All changes in this Linux release are as follows.

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