How to do diff like `git diff –word-diff` without git on Linux?

Posted on In QA

The result of git by git diff --word-diff is great. But how to do diff like git diff --word-diff without git on Linux? The plain diff command on Linux seems not accept options like --word-diff.

The wdiff is for word-diff:

wdiff program is a front end to diff for comparing files on a word per word basis. A word is anything between whitespace.

$ wdiff file1 file2

Bonus: colordiff is a wrapper for ‘diff’. colordiff is written in Perl and produces the same output but with pretty ‘syntax’ highlighting.

$ wdiff file1 file2 | colordiff


$ wdiff file1 file2 | colordiff | less -R

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.


  1. Not exactly what you’re asking for, but you could pipe plain diff output through riff:

    diff a.txt b.txt | riff

    Riff will highlight what words were added / removed in the diff, which might be exactly what you want. Riff also integrates with git and pages its result just like git diff.

    Get it here: .

    Disclaimer: I’m the riff author.

  2. Thanks for this! I executed and added this line to my ~/.bashrc

    function difff { wdiff "$1" "$2" | colordiff | less -r; }

    Now I can do: difff file1 file2

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