Windows 7 repetitively tried to update but failed every time I boot Windows 7

Posted on In QA

Windows 7 repetitively tried to update but failed every time I boot Windows 7. It will reboot automatically several times itself.

How should I fix it?

First, you need to identify which update causes the problem.

You can find this in the Updates control panel tool as follows.


After identifying the failed package (e.g. KB3033929 here), you can find on the Web solutions.

Usually you may manually download the updates from MS website and install it manually. For some updates, you may only have to disable or delay installing it using the control panel.

For example, the suggested method for some users having problems with KB3033929 is to delay installing it as suggested by Brian Krebs.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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