How to check the replication factor of a file in HDFS?

Posted on In QA

A related question: how to find the replication factors of files in a HDFS cluster?

method 1: You can use the HDFS command line to ls the file.

The second column of the output will show the replication factor of the file.

For example,

$ hdfs dfs -ls  /usr/GroupStorage/data1/out.txt
-rw-r--r--   3 hadoop zma 11906625598 2014-10-22 18:35 /usr/GroupStorage/data1/out.txt

The out.txt’s replication factor is 3.

method 2: Get the replication factor using the stat hdfs command tool.

Using the above file as an example:

$ hdfs dfs -stat %r /usr/GroupStorage/data1/out.txt

It will print 3.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.


  1. Hello Eric,

    I want to find out all the files having replication factor of 1 and get that changed to 3.
    I am unable to get the completed path of these file and directories hence I am unable to change it, would there be a way to get list (including complete path) of all these files with RF 1 so that I can change the replication to 3.


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