How to convert A4 paper format to read on Kindle 5

Posted on In QA

Kindle is good for reading. However, the A4-size technical/academic paper is pain to read on Kindle 5—the fonts are too small. The “email to Kindl” converting tool provided by Amazon usually loses the formats in the technical paper. How to convert A4 paper format to read on Kindle 5?

I use k2pdfopt tool (hey, source code is also available) to convert the A4-size technical papers to formats suitable for Kindle.

Check the one example from the author’s website: original paper => Kindle-ready PDF.

On Linux, it is usually one single command to convert the paper PDF to the version suitable for Kindle. My favorite option combination is:

$ k2pdfopt -dev k2 -as -x -ui- /path/to/your/pdf/file

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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