How to Play YouTube Video in Background on iPhone

Posted on In Mobile, Tutorial

This post introduces how to play YouTube video in background on your iPhone. With this tip, you will need not to keep the YouTube app opening all the time. So you can use other apps on iPhone while listening to the music or talk or others from YouTube. This tip should also work on other iOS devices such as iPad.

To make YouTube videos play in background, you need to open YouTube in the browser instead of the YouTube app.

Note that after iOS 10, Safari does not support playing in background anymore and you will need to use another browser.

=Step 0: Download Dolphin browser=

After iOS 10, Safari does not support playing in background anymore and you will need to use another browser. You may download a browser that supports playing in background: Dolphin browser.

=Step 1: Open YouTube video in your browser=

You may bookmark your liked videos in the YouTube app or in the computer and open it in the browser you use in iPhone (as listed in Step 0).

=Step 2: Play the video from the browser=

In your browser, click the video to play the video.

=Step 3: Go back to the iPhone home screen by clicking the home button=

Now, after the video player is playing the video, click the home button and return to the iPhone home screen (springboard). The video will stop playing. But don’t worry and it will be back.

=Step 4: Play the YouTube video from the iPhone control center=

Now, open the control center of iPhone and you will see the name of the video you are playing.

Touch the play button and the video will play in background now. Instead of using the play button in the control center, you may also use the center play/pause button of the remote of the iPhone headphone to make the video play in background. Enjoy!


  1. Instead of using the play button in the control center, you may also use the center play/pause button of the remote of the iPhone headphone to make the video play in background.

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